
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


“Ways We Can Help Animals In Our Environment” Aurora- Aug. 30-Sep. 3


Summer is almost over and soon we will be welcoming the autumn.夏が終わり、秋の訪れを感じます。

Aurora class has varieties of significant activities this week. We always make sure that we can have a meaningful learning experience in what we do.


✅ Unit of Inquiry

We finished our formative assessment this week by answering the worksheet. The directions says, Check the pictures that show good actions. However we noticed that it’s easier for them to draw a circle, therefore, we let them draw a circle next to the pictures. The result? They all got perfect answers.

ワークシートを使い、復習をしました。ワークシートの指示は、”Check the pictures that show good actions. “(良い行いにチェックマークをしなさい)しかしながら、丸○を描く方が簡単だと気がつき、チェックから○に変更しました。結果は?勿論、みんな正しく答える事ができました。

We have been talking our line of inquiry three. We were talking about ways we can help animals in our environment. We began to answer a question on how we can help animals as part of our prior assessment. It was wonderful to see them engaged in our topic discussion. As we collaborate, we have come up to our answers like, We can help animals by giving them food, by giving them water, by cleaning the cage, by tickling the dog/cat, by planting the trees for their habitat, and by cleaning the cage. Nice ideas Aurora!

今週は、LOI3に入りました。”ways we can help animals in our environment”私達はどのように動物を守ることができるか、について学んでいきます。現在の子ども達の知識を知る為に、まず初めにクラスで話し合いをしました。クラスディスカッションに子ども達が盛んに参加する姿に驚きました!話し合いをまとめると、”We can help animals by giving them food, by giving them water, by cleaning the cage, by tickling the dog/cat, by planting the trees for their habitat”ご飯をあげる、お水をあげる、ケージをきれいにする、犬やネコをくすぐる(笑)、木を植える、など沢山の考えが出ました。素晴らしいアイディアですね!

✅ Sports Festival Practice

We went to the gym and we practiced our Taekwando performance, race, marching (enter/exit) and exercise dance. On your mark, get set 🏃. We try our best to practice!


✅ Phonics, Tracing and Numbers

This week we learned R /r/ for rabbit 🐰, robot 🤖, rat 🐀, rhino 🦏 and rainbow 🌈 and we colored the objects and we traced letter P. For numbers, we learned counting one to fifty, counting objects to ten and tracing number 3.

今週は、Rr から始まる単語、rabbit 🐰, robot 🤖, rat 🐀, rhino 🦏 rainbow 🌈 を学びました。書き方のレッスンでは、Pのトレーシングを行い、数字の3もトレーシングしました。

Have a fantastic weekend everyone. Stay safe!良い週末をお過ごしください。

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / “Ways We Can Help Animals In Our Environment” Aurora- Aug. 30-Sep. 3