
Shimauchi Preschool


Go for the Gold Medal! (Canyon Sept. 13-17)

金メダルを目指せ! (サバンナ、キャニオン 9月13日~17日)

Yehey! We finally reached the day we have been waiting for a long time, our Sports Festival! After almost two months of practice, Canyon and Savannah students finally showed their performance! They all did a great job in dancing the Exercise for the opening ceremony, finishing the goal for the running race, and showing Taekwondo poses and movements for their dance performance! 

イェーイ! いよいよ待ちに待ったスポーツフェスティバルの日を迎えました。約2ヶ月間の練習を経て、キャニオンとサバンナの子どもたちがついにパフォーマンスを披露してくれました。開会式でのエクササイズ、徒競走でのゴール、ダンスでのテコンドーのポーズや動きなど、みんなとてもよく頑張っていました。

When we went back to school, they were very happy to receive the gold medal we prepared for them and excited to show it to their parents! They even said that they all did a     GREAT, GREAT, GREAT JOB!


In our UOI lesson, we talked about how we can help the animals living in different habitats such as farm, ocean, mountain, and river. They were able to tell the possible answers and got the picture of it from the wall that says GOOD human actions like planting trees, cleaning the bodies of water, and not throwing garbage in the ocean/river.


As for the Formative Assessment of LOI3, our class made their own pet dog craft and demonstrated how they can help it. The teacher gave them some situations and they had to think of what they could do for their pet. For example: If your pet is hungry, what should you do? They had to feed their pet. If your pet looks sad, they  can play or take it for a walk. If their pet is dirty, they can give it a bath or clean it. They also had to take the objects they needed to perform the action. Our boys and girls had fun doing the activity and they are still playing with it  during free-play. Next week, we’ll do our Summative Assessment and they are going to make a diorama.


In phonics, we focused on the letter T as tomato, tree, tiger, table, tent, and Teddy. They also practiced writing the uppercase letter T.

フォニックスでは、tomato、tree、tiger、table、tent、Teddy (トマト、木、虎、机、テント、テディーベア)など、Tの文字に注目しました。また、大文字のTを書く練習もしました。

That’s all for this week! Enjoy your long weekend and stay safe everyone! Thank you for reading!


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