


Nagano Aurora – What are pets? (13-17 September)

Hello everyone!

Welcome back to Aurora’s weekly blog! We continued learning about way to take care of animals in our second OUI, had an exciting gym lesson, finished our grandparents craft, and have found time to play outside too!

UOI lessons

Transdisciplinary theme: Sharing the planet
Central idea: People’s actions impact animals
Line of inquiry: Ways we can help animals in our community

Show us your pets!

First of all, we want to thank all the parents who sent us pictures and information about your pets at home!

Last week we demonstrated how a veterinarian can take of animals when they are sick. This week, we took a look at something most are familiar with. Pets!

The first thing we did was explaining what the word “pet” means. We then asked all the students if they could think of any animals people might keep as pets. We got many good answers! Like frog, dog, cat, squirrel, and rat. We even have someone say lion! But when the teacher asked everyone to think more about living with a lion, they said that it would probably be too scary to be a pet

Next up, we had a presentation of all our pets. First, we heard from our teachers. The kids were paying close attention as their teacher carefully explained how they cared for their pet dog. The presentation included pictures and video, so the kids got a close look at all the work that goes in to being a dog owner.  It’s a lot of work having a pet, but very rewarding for both the owner and the pet!

The kids also got to present their pets in front of the class. Their teacher had prepared a poster showing pictures and information about how they take care of their pets. The teacher asked them question about the pictures and information on the poster. Sometimes it can be scary to talk in front of everyone, so the teacher helped them if they had trouble talking.

It was very fun to learn about everyone’s pets!

Ways animals help us

Although it’s not part of our LOI, we wanted to show the kids how the animals can help us. Animals creates many products for us, and it’s also very important that the kids can have an appreciation for the food they are eating. Animals gave their bodies to that they could enjoy they lunch, so we should not waste it!

We had a special lesson where we looked at different products, and were they come from. Everyone loves ice cream, but what is it made from? Someone correctly answered answered milk! Good job! But where does milk come from? Hmm…that was a bit tougher. Of course, from cows!  We talked about various different animals and products, and had a fun conversation together.

After the talk, we played a matching game. Each students got two cards with the same pictures the teacher had just shown them. The goal was to find the matching cards from their friends. To achieve this, they had to ask their friends using our monthly phrase!

Student1: Do you have ice cream? アイスクリームを持っていますか?
Student2: No, I don’t/Yes, I do いいえ、持っていません/はい、持っています

When they found their matching card, they gave it to their teacher. We repeated this until all the pairs were found.

Making our own pet dog (Crafts)

Next week, we are going to have role play taking care of a dog. This role play is going to serve as a formative assessment, showing how much they have learned about taking care of animals. And if we are going to take care of a dog, we need to make one first! That’s why everyone worked hard to make their very own marionette puppet dog this week.

We used crayons to color a toilet paper roll, and then decorated it with some colorful paper. Strings were used as the legs, and the kids attached bottlecaps to the end of the strings for the feet. The head was attached by a string that went through the body and to a controller bar.

To make the bar, the kids rolled up origami paper and taper them together.
Now we are ready to carefully take care of our own precious Aurora pets!

Gym lesson

We were missing some of our friends in this week’s gym lesson, but we still had a lot of fun using our bodies! After stretching and warming up, we used the mat to do various exercises.

First, we crawled across the mat using our forearm while keeping our legs straight. Then we used our hands instead of forearms while trying to keep our legs straight.

Next, we hopped across the mat. They had to stretch their arms up high when jumping and touching their knees when landing. And finally, we practiced our forward roll! Please look at the video below of our fun gym lesson!

Grandparents’ crafts (Final part!)

We did our third and final part of our grandparents’ craft this week. Which means, that they are now ready to be given to all the lovely grandmas and grandpas!

The finish the craft, we used string to decorate their display. The teacher demonstrated carefully how to do it before we started. The students were presented with an assortment of string, in which they could choose the one they liked the most.  They would use this string to wrap it around their board, creating their own unique design.

Crafts are not only for fun, but it’s an important part of developing their fine motor skills. To this end, we encourage the kids to do as much as possible without any teacher help. I’m always so happy when I see our Aurora students try their best, and how proud they are when they are done. Good job Aurora!


We are still working on counting objects and recognizing numbers up to 10. We had a fun little activity where the kids got a flashcard with a picture of multiple objects. They had to count the object and then get the corresponding flashcard showing a number from the floor. After we picked up all the cards, the kids had to sit down in order of their number.

It might be interesting for you to know what the overall learning focus is for Aurora’s math in September, so I’ll list the main points:

  • Rote count 1-50 1-50までの数唱
  • Number recognition  数字の認識(1-10)
  • Count up to 10 objects 最大10個までの個数
  • Number line sequence 1-10 数値線1-10

Sticker reward system

Maybe you have heard about this a little bit from you kids already, but this week we have started a new sticker reward system. This is something to motivate the kids to do their tasks in a nice manner, and boost their confidence showing that they can do whatever they put their mind to!

Kids can get up to 3 stickers every day for:

  • Bringing their belongings to the classroom and getting ready by themselves.
  • Eating all their lunch nicely and changing to their PJs by themselves
  • Changing their clothes nicely after their nap

We have already seen a lot of motivated kids, and given out many stickers after starting this! Good job everyone! Our Aurora students are growing up so much, and it makes us so happy!

Lunch time

To make sure everyone is focusing on eating their lunch, and prevent bacteria spreading during lunch, we eat our lunch quietly. The kids know that there should be no talking or playing during lunch, and to raise their hand and wait for the teacher if they need something. I’m so happy to see that our Aurora class is following the rules, and eating all their lunch so nicely every day! Please take a look at this quiet (And yummy!) lunch!

Speaking in class

I know this is a very interesting topic to all our parents out there, so I’ll write a little about what we are doing in class right in regards to speaking English in class. Since we have about reached the halfway point in our Aurora journey, it is time to get stricter about how we communicate with each other in class.

The teachers have become stricter about the usage of Japanese in the class. Especially when it comes to words and phrases we have already learned. Not only speaking English to the teachers, but they should also try to speak English with each other when they play together too. Not everyone’s English skills are the same level, and that’s ok. That’s why we encourage the kids to help their friends if they are struggling finding the words. This is all about building their confidence so that they don’t feel scared or embarrassed about speaking English.

I’m very happy to see that there haven’t been any complaints from the students, but instead they are trying their best to speak more English now! Let’s see how much we can improve together for the second half of the year! And we also appreciate all of you for speaking English with your kids at home too sometimes! Thank you for always supporting us!  

TOP / 長野プレスクール / Nagano Aurora – What are pets? (13-17 September)