
Shimauchi Preschool


Finally, cooler days are here RF 9/27

We love going on walks when the cooler weather is here. The children love to run and practice their relay game outdoors. Catching bugs is a must and it is always hard to say goodbye when it is time to head back to school. 


After six months of school life, the children have established their routines and started making plans on their own about what to do during free play. It is such a joy to see them become more independent and responsible as they each attend to their tasks. Whether it is to work alone, or in a small group they are more focused and sometimes brainstorm together about what they want to do. The ideas and creativity are endless! As Halloween celebrations approached the children started exploring more Halloween games. They loved it when I introduced the haunted house game. Some children just want to play the game every chance they get! It was quite fascinating watching them carry on the game on their own. While some enjoy working together to build pyramids or practice pretend play, or to brush up on their writing skills with the vocabularies!

半年間の学校生活を経て、子どもたちは自分たちのルーティンを確立し、自由遊びの時間に何をするかを自分たちで考え始めました。それぞれが自分の課題に取り組むことで、より自立し、責任感を持つようになっていくのを見るのはとても嬉しいことです。一人でやっているときも、お友達と一緒にやっているときも、子どもたちはより集中し、ときには自分のやりたいことについて一緒にブレインストーミングをすることもあります。アイデアや創造性は無限大です。 ハロウィーンが近づき、Ms.Michelleが haunted house game (お化け屋敷のカードゲーム)を紹介すると、子どもたちはとても喜んでくれました。ゲームがとても気に入り、機会があるたびにやりたがる子もいます。ルールを理解して自分たちだけでどんどんゲームをする姿はとても素敵でした。一方で、みんなで協力してピラミッドを作ったり、ごっこ遊びをしたり、単語カードを使ってライティングスキルを磨いたりして楽しんでいる子もいました。

Oh the children just love to dance to the Halloween songs and get spooky with Halloween stories and games. It is amazing how quickly they remembered the movements taught a few days ago! 


The children continued to practice addition and how to tally using the materials provided. They listened attentively and practiced how to add on their own. We have been talking about the sticky letters at the beginning of a word in phonic lessons. The children worked in teams to find the ending match to the beginning of a word by matching it to the three sticky letters. As they master this skill it will help them solve those long words and become more fluent readers. 


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Rainforest / Finally, cooler days are here RF 9/27