
Shimauchi Preschool


Identifying and describing feelings: Canyon (Oct.4-8)

感情を識別し、描写する。サバンナ、キャニオン (Oct.4-8)

Hi everyone and welcome back to our weekly blog!


As the month of October begins, we also started a new Unit of Inquiry, UNIT 3: HOW WE EXPRESS OURSELVES. Our Central Idea(CI) is “Ideas and feelings can be communicated in a variety of ways. We have three Lines of Inquiry(LOI) such as: 1.Identifying and describing feelings and ideas, 2.Ways to communicate with others, and 3.Ways to express different feelings through performance. To have a glimpse of what we are learning in this unit, I showed some pictures of happy people painting, drawing, singing, and dancing which means people can express their happiness by doing those things. Then, I asked them to choose one from those pictures which they also do when they are happy. I explained that there are many other ways to express someone’s feelings and we will discuss some of them in this unit.

10月に入り、私たちは新しい探究のユニット「UNIT 3: HOW WE EXPRESS OURSELVES」「どのように表現するか」をスタートしました。このユニットでは、「考えや感情は、さまざまな方法で伝えることができる」というセントラル・アイデア(CI)を掲げています。このユニットでは、次のような3つの探究項目があります。1.感情やアイデアを識別して記述する、2.他者とのコミュニケーションの方法、3.パフォーマンスを通じてさまざまな感情を表現する方法。このユニットで学習する内容を垣間見るために、私は幸せそうな人々が絵を描いたり、描いたり、歌ったり、踊ったりしている写真を見せました。そして、それらの写真の中から、自分も幸せなときにすることを選んでもらいました。人の気持ちを表現する方法は他にもたくさんあり、このユニットではそのうちのいくつかを説明しました。

For the Prior Knowledge Assessment activity, we sang “Emotions Song” and asked the students to name the emotions in each picture. Students were able to name some of the emotions mentioned in the song like happy, sad, and angry.

事前知識評価のアクティビティでは、「Emotions Song」「感情の歌」を歌い、それぞれの絵に描かれている感情を子どもたちに挙げてもらいました。子どもたちは、歌の中で言及されている喜ぶ、悲しむ、怒るなどの感情のいくつかを挙げることができました。

On Wednesday, we began with LOI1: Identifying and describing feelings and ideas. Our first activity was the Mirror Face which let the students describe different feelings by showing the facial expressions of each feeling. It’s so fun to see how our students tried to make different faces. They tried to stop smiling and laughing when they had to show sad, angry, and scared faces. They really enjoyed this activity!

水曜日、私たちはLOI1:感情やアイデアを識別して記述することから始めました。最初のアクティビティは「Mirror Face」「鏡面」で、それぞれの感情を表す顔の表情を見せて、さまざまな感情を説明しました。子どもたちがどのように異なる顔を作ろうとしているかを見るのはとても楽しいことです。悲しい顔、怒っている顔、怖い顔を見せなければならないとき、彼らは笑顔や笑いを止めようとしました。子どもたちはこのアクティビティをとても楽しんでいました。

Another exciting activity was the Emotions Faces puzzle. Students had to make different feelings by choosing the appropriate shape of the eyes and mouth. They were able to show happy, sad, angry, surprised, and scared faces using the puzzle. We also tried to describe the facial expressions of those feelings by drawing it on the board. Look how cute their drawings are.


In Phonics, we focused on the letter W as in watch, water, watermelon, wall, well, window, and wheel. They colored those pictures in the paper and practiced writing the uppercase letter W.

フォニックスでは、watch、water、watermelon、wall、well、window、wheel(時計 水 スイカ 壁 井戸 車輪)などのWの文字に注目しました。それらの絵に色を塗り、大文字のWを書く練習をしました。

In Math, we completed a worksheet about Ordinal Numbers. Students encircled the object based on the ordinal number specified in each number. Everyone got it all right and were able to read numbers 1st to 10th. We’ll have a new lesson in Math next week.


Our boys and girls also had fun doing their outdoor play, music, swimming, and gym class activities. These activities help them to develop and improve their gross motor skills. Simple things like moving to music, jumping rope, running races, playing tag, and water play are good gross motor activities.


That’s it! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful weekend!


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / Identifying and describing feelings: Canyon (Oct.4-8)