
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Working Together – Shooting Star 10/18 – 10/22

This week, our class practiced the concept of working together. As everyone gets more mature every day, their understanding of the importance of working as a team gets bolder and deeper. So, we decided to do more activities that require unity and teamwork.

For UOI, we finished the Line of Inquiry one by answering a worksheet where the students had to fill in the boxes of correct information. They chose one from the three movies we watched and detailed the elements of that story by drawing.

Also this week, we moved to the second line of inquiry of the unit: Ways to understand a story. After establishing the elements of the story: Settings, Characters, and Sequence, we learned that learning about the PLOT of the story is also very important to understand a story: Beginning ( the introduction of the Settings and the Character) Middle (where the conflicts and problems are introduced) and End ( Where the conclusion of the story unfolds) The whole class had a wonderful time dissecting the stories we have encountered in the past and understand not just the story itself but also its structure.
今週はLOI2「物語を理解する方法」に移りました。物語の要素(キャラクター、セッティング、シークエンス)を理解することは物語を理解することに必要なことですが、プロットを理解することもとても大切です。LOI2では、プロットやシークエンス(物語の始め、中間、終わり)そして5つのW(what, where, why, who, when)について探究していきます。初めのレッスンでは、Beginning(始め)はキャラクターと設定が紹介され、Middle(中間)では問題や争いが起こり、End(終わり)には話の結論があることを学びました。

Prior Knowledge Assessment: Teamwork was required to arrange the scenes in the correct sequence.

The product of their teamwork: Everyone did a great job!

Another teamwork where they arranged in the correct order the sequence of a full-blown story.
写真が少し小さすぎてわかりづらかったですが、みんな良くできたと思います。 このアクティビティの間、先生達がみんなに色々なことを働きかけました。答えは決して教えず、「チームワークはコミュニケーションが大切だよ!仲間とお話しなきゃ、前に進めないよ。自分が見ている写真について、自分は個々だと思うけど、みんなはどう思う?等、話し合って決めようね。」と話しかけ、完成したら、「I am done」ではなく、チームワークなんだから「We are done」と言おうねと教えました。チームには、「完成する前にチームのみんなでこの結果に賛成できたかどうか」も尋ねました。アクティビティ中は色々な声が聞こえてきました。「ここじゃないよ!」「私はここだとおもう!」「そうだね!」「ちがうよ!」アクティビティの最後の方には、素晴らしいコミュニケーションが見られました🥰🤩

For Phonics, We learned the importance of vowels. We discovered that all the words in English have vowels except those words like Fly, Try, By, My, etc in which the letter Y becomes the vowel. After the discussion, the kids were once again grouped and were tasked to find words in their books that do not have vowels. The activity did not just hone their ability to observe but also was a good practice of reading.

We twisted and turned in our Gym Lesson. The whole class had a great time exerting group effort in being able to twist and turn correctly to get the right position – It was another fun teamwork activity for the Shooting Star Class!

The Shooting Star class is moving forward, they get bigger every day and learn many things as days pass by. Learning how to be a part of a team will help them to become a better person and a good friend to everyone.

Let’s all join them in their journey in learning the importance of working as a team with love and respect and appreciating the benefits of working together.

Have a lovely weekend, everyone!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / Working Together – Shooting Star 10/18 – 10/22