
Shimauchi Preschool


The More The Merrier! Canyon Nov. 1-5

より多くの方に楽しんでいただくためにサバンナ、 キャニオン 11月1日~5日

Hello everyone!


We are very glad to announce that our class is getting bigger now and we have a total of 9 students now! Just this week, we welcomed a new girl student in our class! Yehey! Every time we tell Canyon students that they will have a new friend, they are always excited to see him/her. They would count the stickers on the towel hooks in the bathroom and say this is for our new friend, ask which table he/she is going to sit at, ask what the new friend’s name is, and proudly tell other teachers that they have a new friend. Now our new students are starting to get along with their friends and get used to our daily routines. At first they were hesitant to speak in English, but we are happy to see them trying their best!

嬉しいことに、私たちのクラスはどんどん大きくなって、現在9人の子ども達がいます。ちょうど今週、新しい女の子を迎え入れました。イェーイ! キャニオンの子どもたちは、「新しいお友達ができるよ」と言うたびに、そのお友達に会うのを楽しみにしています。トイレのタオル掛けに貼られたシールを数えて「これは新しいお友達のために」と言ったり、どのテーブルに座るのか聞いたり、新しいお友達の名前を聞いたり、他の先生に新しいお友達ができたことを誇らしげに話したりします。今、新しいお友達は友達と仲良くなり、毎日の生活にも慣れてきました。最初は英語で話すことをためらっていましたが、一生懸命頑張っている姿を見て、私たちも嬉しくなりました。

Our boys and girls’ first love is running! It is their favorite bonding time! Running together with their friends really makes them happy. They also enjoy this chalk maze and hopscotch games wherein they have to run following the squiggly lines or jump into the circles up to the finish line. Those games develop children’s gross motor skills!

私たちの男の子も女の子も走ることが大好きです! 絆を深めるのにとても良い時間です。友達と一緒に走ると、本当に幸せな気分になります。チョーク迷路や石けり遊びでは、線に沿って走ったり、丸の中に飛び込んだりして、ゴールを目指します。これらのゲームは、子どもたちの総体的な運動能力を高めてくれます。

In UOI, we continue to explore ways to communicate with others. We focus on using words and using body language. We played a TELEPHONE game!☎️ Students lined up and the first person in line had to pass the words or body language that the teacher have told or shown. This is for students to better understand the meaning of communicating using words and using body language.

UOIでは、他の人とコミュニケーションをとる方法を引き続き探求しています。言葉やボディランゲージを使うことに重点を置いています。電話ゲームをしました!☎️ 子どもたちは列を作り、最初に並んだ人は、先生が言ったり見せたりした言葉やボディランゲージを伝えなければなりません。これは、言葉やボディランゲージを使ってコミュニケーションをとることの意味を理解してもらうためです。

We then had a sorting activity wherein students had to pick two strips of paper in the box, the teacher helped them read it, and classify if it is a kind or hurtful word. Students could easily identify which is which and are mindful which words can make people happy or sad.


To encourage them to speak more English and kind words, we gave each of them a copy of paper with the list of kind words on it. When we hear them use kind words in communicating to their friends, we will put a stamp on that word, until they complete all of them. Let’s do it!👏


We also had a dental check up this week. Students did a great job in using kind words to show politeness to the dentists by saying Onegai shimasu and Arigatou gozaimasu! And they were very happy to get a stamp on their Kind Words Card!⭐

また、今週は歯科検診がありました。おねがいします」や「ありがとうございます」など、親切な言葉で歯医者さんへの礼儀を上手に表現していました。そして、Kind Words Cardにスタンプを押してもらい、とても嬉しそうでした。

In Music class, they are focusing on the key “DO” as well as the proper positioning of their fingers on the keyboard. They are doing the slow and fast tempo of DO.🎹


Though we didn’t go to the gym on Friday, Canyon students still had so much because we got to see the beautiful autumn trees at the park, collected some leaves for our craft, and were able to play at the playground. 🍂


That’s all for this week! Thank you for reading and have a wonderful weekend!😊


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / The More The Merrier! Canyon Nov. 1-5