
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Exploring Nature(Meadow-November 1st-5th)

自然を探検 Meadowクラス 11月1日から5日より

Hello everyone,


We had lots of opportunities spent outside this week. Outdoor experiences in nature enhance the children’s physical development, coincide with their natural instincts to become explorers and everyone sleeps better when exposed to fresh air and sunlight.


We went to the park by bus. Our little ones practiced walking holding hands with their friends following their teacher in front. While walking, we saw the beautiful colors of leaves and the children mentioned their colors, “It’s yellow, brown, orange, red! Some of them took the pile of leaves and threw them up high like a shower. We spent most of the time running, chasing each other, and racing with their friends. Also, seeing trains passing by was one of the children’s joys.

今回、バスで公園へ出掛けました。子供達は前にいる先生に続きお友達と手をつなぎ歩く練習をしました。歩いている間、美しい色の葉を見て「 yellow, brown, orange, red! 」と口々に言っていました。何人かは、山のように大量の葉を拾い上げてシャワーのように高く降らせていました。みんな大半の時間を走ったり、お互いに追いかけたり、またお友達と走って競争したりしました。また電車が通り過ぎるのを見るのは子供達の楽しみの一つでもあります。

On other days, we also spent playing in the yard and walking to the park. They are getting better at walking, holding hands with their friends, and following friends in front of them. They also learn lots of things, sharing toys with their friends, how to take turns and the importance of “waiting” like counting 1-10 until they have their turn.


Nursing goals.


We demonstrated the proper way of handwashing. After playing, and before eating we explained what happen when they didn’t wash their hands. They all listened carefully to the teacher’s explanation. We have heard from the children’s reaction, “Yucky!” “bye-bye, germs!” Always remember to wash your hands😊

手洗いの正しいやり方を実演しました。遊んだ後また食べる前、手を洗わないとどうなるのかを説明しました。みんな一生懸命聞いていました。子供達の “Yucky!” “bye-bye, germs!” という反応を聞けました。いつも手を洗うこをと忘れないようにしようね。 😊

Thank you for reading our blog. Have a wonderful weekend!



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