
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Our Autumn Trees(Meadow-November 8th-12th)

秋の木々  Meadowクラス 11月8日から12日より

Hello everyone,


Being exposed to nature makes us refresh our minds and is stress-free. Fall is almost over and we spent most of it playing in the park. Lots of mature leaves fall off and our little ones gathered different sizes and colors. They enjoyed throwing them up high like a rain shower. Some kids played hide and seek with friends and did the race with the teacher.


This week, we made a craft about Autumn and we decided to make a tree. We prepared a bare tree and we asked the students to use paint for the leaves. Their imagination gave them a good conclusion to finish their autumn tree. Finger painting is a creative way to express their feelings and improve fine motor development by strengthening finger and hand muscles and promoting social skills by sharing paint, taking turns, and working together. Good job, Meadow!



What do you wear?


As we continue with our topic about clothes, We did an activity interviewing the kids on what they wear. The teacher asked each student to come in front pointing at their clothes asking “What’s this?” and the teacher lead them saying ” I wear… pants, shoes and etc. On the next day, We also did an activity to” Dress up the girl”. The children were given chance to think “what should the girl need to wear before she goes outside.” They were encouraged to say in a sentence ” I put on my… hat, socks, pants, skirt, jacket and etc. They tried their best saying the phrases. Well done!

洋服に関するテーマを引き続き学んでおり、子供達は何を着るのかを質問する活動をしました。先生が子供達に前に出てくるように伝え “What’s this?” と聞き ” I wear… pants, shoes and などと言うように促しました。また女の子の模型に洋服を着せるアクティビティをしました。子供達は女の子が外へ出掛ける前に何をきると良いのかを考える練習をしました。 ” I put on my… hat, socks, pants, skirt, jacket などと文章で言うように促され、みんな文で言ってみました。良く出来ました!

These are all for this week. Have a nice weekend.


TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / Our Autumn Trees(Meadow-November 8th-12th)