
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


LEVEL UP – Shooting Star 11/15 – 11/19

From words to sentences!

Time flies and our little writers have started their journey to writing a whole sentence. In Phonics, they were tasked to orchestrate their vowel power to write sentences with CVC words. This week they used Short /a/ and Short /i/ CVC words in a sentence: The man has a cat and The pig is big.

But before we started writing we have reviewed some pointers on how to write a sentence: 1. Always begin your sentence with a capital or upper case letter. 2. End the sentence with a period. 3. make sure there is enough space in between words to write a beautiful sentence; use your finger to measure the correct distance between each word. For first-timers, all of them did a fantastic job! We are going to practice more in the coming days! We will send the notebook home soon so please look forward to discovering how good our little writers are.


In UOI, we are still inquiring about different ways of telling a story, and this week we looked into how to tell a story through a puppet show, kamishibai, and storybooks.

Our storytellers had the chance to make their puppets and present to the class its identity (the name, favorite food, and likes).

Puppet Presentation

Also, they had the opportunity to bring their favorite storybooks and tell the class what type of story it is, the settings, and the characters of the story.
今週のUOIレッスンはとても忙しかったので、とても忙しい週でした。 !!今週の最後の活動は、私のお気に入りの絵本をクラスのみんなに発表することでした!あなたの名前を言って、「私の好きな本はXXです。キャラクターはXXです。物語の場所(設定)はXXです。」と言います。最後に、お気に入りのシーンをみんなに見せましょう。なぜこのシーンが好きなのかを説明し、絵本が寓話、冒険、おとぎ話、ドキュメンタリーの分野に適しているかどうかを発表しました。少し緊張した子供もいました。家で練習した子供もいます。 SSクラスの生徒全員と毎日一緒に暮らすことができ、毎日の成長を実感できることをとてもうれしく思います💖😍✨私たちは子供たちをサポートするために全力を尽くし続けます。ご両親の皆様に感謝申し上げます。

My favorite Storybook presentation

Our little math geniuses have already mastered not just 2D and 3D shapes but also addition, and now it’s time to level up and move to Subtraction. We have introduced to the class how to take away numbers. They love doing math games so much that they barely notice that they are already learning while having fun.

It has been another productive week for shooting star! We are all happy to see them mature and LEVEL UP!

More pictures of us!

Enjoying the stretching at the gym!

Have a fantastic weekend, everyone! 🙂

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Shooting Star / LEVEL UP – Shooting Star 11/15 – 11/19