
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Aurora – Making our Christmas show prop (15-19 November)

Hello everyone!

It has been another busy, but fun week here in Aurora. All the students have been hard at work practicing for the Christmas show between all our regularly scheduled activities.

UOI lessons 🌏

Transdisciplinary theme: How We Express Ourselves
Central idea: Ideas and feelings can be communicated in a variety of ways
Line of inquiry: Ways to communicate with others

🌟 How to handle our strong emotions

We are nearing the end of our second line of inquiry, and the students have gotten a better grasp of how to recognize their own and others feelings. The focus of this week’s lesson was how to handle our strong emotions. When you get really angry, what are some things you can do to calm down? Do you want to do bad actions when you are angry?

We started the lesson by discussing why you get angry. We asked the students if they sometimes feel angry, what happened to make you feel angry, and why do you feel angry. The most common cause of angriness in the classroom is when their friends don’t share toys, or someone snatch their toys from them.

So, the big question is then, what do you do when that happens to you? Their teachers demonstrated in front of the kids some of the bad actions. Like yelling, pushing back or hitting. Luckily, everyone agrees that these are bad actions that we should not do! But it’s not always easy to control when we are angry. If someone does something to make them angry, they should first try talking to their friends. If they don’t listen, they should tell the teachers what is making them angry.
先生たちは、子どもたちの前でいくつかの悪い行動をデモンストレーションしました。叫んだり、押し返したり、叩いたり… そして、子どもたちはそれがよい行動ではない、それをすべきではないということをよく理解していました。しかし、私たちが怒っている時、自分の感情をコントロールすることは必ずしも簡単ではありません。そこで、クラスで話し合いました。もし誰かが自分を怒らせる何かをしたら、その相手に自分にとってその行動や言葉が嫌であること、またそれをやめてほしいということを「言葉」で伝える。それでも、相手が気持ちをわかってくれない場合は、近くにいる先生に伝えるという方法を話し合いました。

Throughout the lesson we emphasized that feeling angry is ok. We can’t always control how we feel, so feeling angry or sad is ok. However, what you do when you’re angry is important. Just because you are angry, doesn’t mean you can hurt your friends.

Crafts 🌳

The Christmas show is rapidly closing in, and we need some props for the show. Since we are at a farm, we made a nice big tree together! All the students sat down around the naked tree. The teacher asked them what’s missing on the tree. After a few guesses, we came up with the right answer. Leaves!

Each student got their own brush and very nicely filled in the tree with green paint to give it a full lush look.

Outside play 🌞

With only one rainy day this week, we could have fun playing outside together. We brought the speaker outside so we could dance together in the nice weather too!

As always, thank you for reading and see you next time!

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