
Shimauchi Preschool


It is finally here! RF 12/15

This is the day we have all been waiting for and it is finally here!! At the backstage, the children felt excited, nervous,  a bit awkward, and perhaps embarrassed to present what they have been practicing in the past 3 months. But when the time came for them to be on the stage, they were ready to give their best and they sure did! We were almost in tears, impressed by what a fantastic job they have done on the stage! Great volume, gestures, and no one forgot their lines!! It was simply beautiful to see them play out the show! We hope all the parents enjoyed it as much as we did! Kudos to all the Rainforest class!! Splendid! 

みんなが待ち望んでいたこの日がついにやってきました! 舞台裏では、この3ヶ月間練習してきたことを発表するということで、子どもたちはワクワクしたり、緊張したり、少しぎこちなくなったり、恥ずかしくなったりしたのではないでしょうか。しかし、いざステージに立つと、子どもたちはベストを尽くす覚悟を決めていましたし、実際その通りになりました。私たちは、彼らがステージで見せてくれた素晴らしい演技に感動し、涙が出そうになりました。声の大きさ、アクション、そしてセリフもばっちりでした! みんなが演じる姿は、本当に美しかったです。保護者の皆様にも楽しんでいただけたと思います。レインフォレスト・クラスのみんなに拍手! お見事!!

The children started their new practice in the gym class. They learned how to do the forward roll in the proper way. In the weeks and months to come, they will learn more gymnastic movements. Some children are a bit nervous to try these new movements the first time, but feel much better after they have learned the technique to do it. 


During math, the children have been practicing subtraction and reviewing the additions. As we end this year, the children have acquired the skills to add and subtract, we believe they will love it even more with more exercises with their math journals. We love seeing how children enjoy working with math manipulatives as they add and subtract. 


The children were certainly busy during free play time. Some decided to write letters to loved ones, some wanted to have a party to celebrate special occasions, while others made cars and other projects, or enjoyed pretending to play in the vet’s clinic or just dress up for fun. No matter the occasion, the children utilized their time well. It just seems like there’s never enough time to play! 


What a fun day out collecting twigs and pretending to build a bonfire or picking up rocks, flowers, and acorns. The children all loved their nature item box while they played at the park, now they can collect things they love to their heart’s content! 


This week during the UOI lesson, the children were busy as bees preparing for the Friday Year-End Celebration. As they have decided to have a Sumikko Gurashi Party, they worked together to draw ornaments and decorate the class so we can be ready for the party! The children just couldn’t wait for the party to begin! Oh, the fun they will have as they make crafts, enjoy their Sumikko designed snacks, and watch a short Sumikko Gurashi movie! 


The children practiced more free style writing as they wrote and drew pictures of what they have done on the weekend. They are being creative and really used their skills to make the words and sentences. 


The never ending fun in the tennis class, it was hard work but they love learning all the skills to be a better tennis player! 


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