
Nagano Preschool


Aurora Nagano: Welcome back to school!

Dear students and parents, we would like to say “Welcome back!” to ISN and we are excited to see you all again! Since it is the first week of the school year, we had our orientation with the kids and fun activities with them at school this week. Our aims for this week were for them to get familiar with the new environment and classroom before starting the UOI (Unit of Inquiry) next week.

Auroraのお友達、保護者の皆様 ご進級、ご入学おめでとうございます。
1つお兄さんお姉さんになったお友達と新しく私たちの仲間になってくれたお友達のAurora13人の仲間で、 これから一年間 さまざまな挑戦や探究を通し、わくわくできる体験をたくさんしていける一年にしたいと思います。
来週からいよいよUOI (Unit of Inquiry) が始まります。その前に新しい環境と教室に慣れるために 今週は、子どもたちとオリエンテーションをしたり、楽しい活動をたくさんして、そして、毎日外へ出て元気に遊びました。

Besides that, we also played outside this week. We practiced to walk together in pair in our school compounds. This helped us to walk independently and nicely together with friends.

In order to teach the knowledge of Aurora, as it s our class name. We watched videos about Aurora this week, and the kids colored their own Aurora with their hands into the paper. It was really fun and we learned more about Aurora too! It was a great week to kick start the school year! See you next week.
きれいなAuroraの映像を見た後、絵の具と指を使ってAuroraを描いてみました。自由に色を選び、指で絵の具をすくい、紙に描いていきます。最初は、少しずつ恐る恐る指に付けていた子どもたちも、次第にダイナミックに手のひら全体を使って、色を混ぜ合わせて描いたり、それぞれが「My Aurora」を表現していました🤩


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