
Shimauchi Preschool


MY ROLES AT SCHOOL- Canyon April 11th-15th

Hi everyone!✨
Here’s a glimpse of our second week at school…


In our phonics lesson, we discussed letter upper and lowercase letter A and its sound. We also learned the words begin with the sound /a/ such as: apple, alligator, ant, arm, arrow, and astronaut. They make them more familiarize with the letter and sound, we did a “Letter A Puzzle” group activity. We divided them into 3 groups and each group, formed the letter A puzzle and presented it in front of the class. This activity aims to develop our little ones’ social, thinking, and cooperation skills. We were so happy that everyone showed confidence and interest in the said activity!👫🏻 Great job!!

フォニックスレッスンでは、大文字と小文字の”A”とその発音を学びました。Aの音を言ったあとに、Aの付く物 appleリンゴ, alligatorワニ, antアリ, arm腕, arrow矢印, astronaut宇宙飛行士と、いろいろなAを知りました。それから、3グループにわかれてAaのパズルでも楽しみました。『これどこだろう?』『ここだよ!』とお友達と相談する声も聞こえてきました。この活動を通して、社会性、考察、協力を体験しました。

As we continue our discussion about letter A and its sound, we had a “Tracing Uppercase Letter A” using pom-poms. Our youngsters had fun doing this activity! Some of them made a color pattern which made this activity more interesting! It’s objective is to develop students’ fine motor skills and concentration through putting glue and pom-poms in each circle. This also helps them to determine the letter way better. Well done!!!👏🏻


Aside from writing, we also did an “Easter Egg” craft!🥚Our young ones traced the zigzag, straight, and wavy lines inside the egg. After that, they painted it to make it more beautiful.🌟 Everybody did it perfectly!!!


In our UOI lesson this week, we talked about our “roles” in the class. We explained to them the things they need to do in morning when they come to our classroom, and the things they see in their locker like their backpack, basket, and plastic bag. To begin with, we asked them what’s inside their backpack and the proper basket for each stuff. After our discussion, we asked students to demonstrate the proper way of unpacking their things.🎒


We have rules to follow before eating lunch. We determined the proper way of washing their hands and gargling their mouth and I asked few students to demontrate it in front of the class. Our youngsters also showed me how they wash their hands and gargle. Excellent job!!!⭐


Corona virus is still around us so it’s very important to wear our mask properly!😷 In our afternoon lesson, we talked about the proper way of wearing a mask.


Have a wonderful weekend everyone!✨


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / MY ROLES AT SCHOOL- Canyon April 11th-15th