
Shimauchi Preschool


Making a flower garden in our yard SV/RF 4/28

We love spring! In an effort to beautify our school environment we helped plant some flowers in the pots. It is so much fun when we work together to make our school a better place. We dug in the soils, making the soft beds for the flowers, and we took care to water the plants. As we have learned in our class, plants need lots of water, sunlights, good soil, and tender loving care! 
みんな春が大好き!スクールの環境を美しくするために、みんなで花を植えました🌷 毎日みんなと過ごすスクールをより良い場所にするために、みんなで一致団結して一生懸命頑張っています。そして何より大事なことは、楽しむこと!土を混ぜ、花を植える穴を作り、花を植え、植物にゆっくりと水をあげました。SV/RFクラスでも自分達の植物を植えた時に学んだように、植物はたくさんの水、日光、良い土壌、そして優しい愛情のこもったケアを必要とします!

We look forward to going to the gym every week! We learned to use our body in all kinds of ways. We jumped, crawled, rolled, ran, and stretched. It feels so good to move our bodies! The most challenging part is to bunny hop through the hoops, it wasn’t easy but we tried our best! 

In phonic lessons children continued to learn about individual sounds and the lowercase letter formations. The children used the letters they had cut out and practiced blending simple words. It will still take them a while to get used to blending the sounds, but they all enjoyed the process of it. In writing, we did the body movements to form the diving letters before they sat down to write the letters. This will help reinforce what they have learned and retain the information for later use. 
フォニックスでは、アルファベット(レター)の発音を引き続き学び、小文字の書き方(書き順)も学んでいます。レターを一つずつ切り、それを並べて発音してみます。音のブレンドに慣れるまでにはまだしばらく時間がかかりますが、みんなレッスンを楽しんでいました。ライティングでは、体を動かしながらダイビングレター(r, n, m)の書き方を学びました。体を使いながら書き方を覚えるのはとても効果的で、頭にもちゃんと残ります。

This year the children’s day and mother’s day collide in the same week. In order to take home these great projects in time, the children were in full swing to finish their arts and crafts. They were all so proud of their accomplishments and can’t wait to present them to their families. We hope all the families will spend some meaningful and special time together as you celebrate Children’s day and Mother’s Day! 
今年はこどもの日と母の日が同じ週になります。子どもの人母の日の素敵なクラフトをお家に持ち帰るために、みんな一生懸命心を込めてクラフトを完成させました!みんな自分たちの作品をとても誇りに思っている様子☺️ 家族に見せるのが待ちどおしいです。家族全員で特別な時間を一緒に過ごしながらこどもの日と母の日を祝えることを願っています✨

This week’s UOI lesson focused on the role and responsibility of each family member.  Initially children were clueless as to what roles and responsibilities meant. We spent some time discussing what it is and gave some examples.  The children role played different scenarios afterwards to show their understanding. On another day, we provided some household items for the children to play charades and have the class guess what their responsibilities are at home. Some were easy to guess while some were a bit of a challenge for us. Nonetheless, the children had fun acting in front of the class. We hope the survey we are sending home this week will help deepen their understanding of their roles and all family members responsibilities at home. Thank you in advance for filling out the survey. 

Free choice time is always a great time to share a book with a friend or go on bug search in class! Some children enjoy making objects using their clay kits and they all want a picture taken after they are done! 

At our circle time we love dancing to silly songs! The children are always challenging themselves with new songs and movements. We often use this gathering time to discuss current events, issues, learner profiles, or things we need to work on. These days we have been talking about our bean plants and how we should talk to our plants daily in order to reap healthy plants! Some plants were growing fast while some were still dormenting. This is a wonderful way to learn about plants and patience for sure! 

4月のバースデーボーイです!みんなで歌を歌ってバースデーボーイに質問をしました♪ ハッピーバースデー💖

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