
Shimauchi Preschool


Thank you Daddies for all that you do!! SV/RF

We love you daddies! Here is a special gift the children have made for their fathers.  Near or far, we hope all the fathers feel the love their child(ren) offers not just on Father’s Day, but daily. We wish you to enjoy this thoughtful gift and have a restful and fun special day with your family this weekend.  

The children have been working on strengthening their core muscles in the gym. They have been given different moves that challenge their large motor skills. It is always encouraging seeing them taking on the challenges and trying their best! A lot of children commented how much they love the gym lesson and they look forward to it every Friday! 


We have come to a huge milestone with our bean plants. The children planted the red bean seeds since April, and have been carefully nurturing their plants with some TLC (Tender Loving Care)!  Now that the plants have outgrown their bags and pots, it is time to transplant them to bigger homes. Thanks to those parents who have decided to take them home from this point on. We hope you enjoy the plant caring process with your child. For those of you who don’t have the space for it, don’t worry, we will try our best to prolong their lives here at our school garden. They will keep our tomatoes and cucumbers company. Happy planting!

豆の苗が大きな節目を迎えました。4月から小豆の種を植え、TLC(Tender Loving Care)をかけて大切に育ててきました。 袋や小さな鉢では窮屈そうなので、今度は各ご家庭で大きな家に移植してもらいたいと思います。すでにお持ちいただいた保護者の皆様、ありがとうございました。ぜひ、お子さんと一緒に植物のお手入れを楽しんでください。ご家庭で育てる環境がない方、ご心配なく!園庭で長持ちするように頑張ります。トマトやキュウリの相手をしてくれることでしょう。ハッピー・プランティング!

This year’s rainy season gave us some break so that we were able to enjoy the park and some outdoor activities this week. The children always love it when we get to take the bus to the large park, where they can swing and climb. We treasure each opportunity we have to visit before the REAL summer arrives. When it gets too hot to visit the parks, we will be ready for the pool play! 

Music lessons are back in full swing with the children blowing their pipes on their pianicas. It has been a long while since their last practice and some needed more time before they got used to blowing the sounds. Isn’t it wonderful to be able to hear the sounds again?! How we pray and wish that the COVID situation is gone so life can get back to where things used to be! This pandemic certainly has changed our lives and made the norm become a treasure to us.

ミュージックレッスンではやっとピアニカを吹いて演奏できるようになりました!久しぶりの練習で、音を出すのに慣れるまでもう少し時間がかかる子もいました。また音を出して吹けるようになるなんて、素敵なことですよね!  新型コロナウイルス感染の状況が落ち着き、以前のような生活ができるように、どんなに祈り、願っていることでしょう。コロナウイルスは私たちの生活を変えてしまいましたが、当たり前を宝物にしてくれましたね。

This week’s UOI lessons, the children had their mini presentation with the “My Feeling Book” they had made. They talked about what makes them happy and sad, especially when their parents do or don’t do something. It was quite interesting to hear some of the responses, while some were a bit heart wrenching to hear. However, most of the children’s echoes seem to be “ I feel sad when my mom or dad doesn’t play with me”. We certainly hope these children will understand their roles and responsibilities at home, thus leading them to create more meaningful bonding moments  with their parents. And that those experiences will help them build up their self-esteem that they may fully develop and demonstrate the ethos of the IB Learner Profiles. 

今週の UOI レッスンでは、子どもたちが作った “My Feeling Book “を使ってミニプレゼンを行いました。どんな時に嬉しくなったり、悲しくなったりするのか、特にお父さんやお母さんがどんな事をしてくれた時、何かをしてくれなかった時そのような気持ちになるのかについて考えました。子どもたちの答えはとても興味深く、中には少し心が痛むようなものもありました。ほとんどの子は、悲しい時のページに、「お父さんやお母さんが遊んでくれないと悲しい」と答えていましたが、お父さんやお母さんの家庭での役割や責任をみんなが理解するようになり、一緒に遊べる貴重な時間を絆を深める時間だと思えるようになればと願っています。そして、そのような経験が自尊心を高め、IB学習者像の理念を十分に発揮できるようになることを願っています。

The children have also played some bonding games, such as, balloon basketball and the animal charades. They really had a blast with those games. The instructions will be sent home at a later date, and we hope the families will enjoy some of the activities we have suggested. 


Indoor free play has enriched the children’s imagination and communication skills. They are learning how to be a better communicator by negotiating a turn to play in an area, or to have certain toys. Even though it has only been three months since school started, we have already witnessed the growth of their social skills. It is marvelous for them to grow in confidence when they communicate with their peers! We have also seen more children interested in reading and browsing through the books in the library area. It’s glorious for children to love literature!

Rainy day games are a must with these rambunctious bunch! The children had so much fun playing the Duck, Duck, Goose, as well as the Fruit Basket games. They enjoyed playing these games in our upstairs “gym room”, every visit upstairs brings a surprise for them. They just love the time well spent with fun games!


The children continued to learn how to write the lower letters. We have moved on from the special letters to the” from the top”letters of “f, l, t”. The children all tried their best to make each stroke. With more practice they will be able to write more legibly in no time! 

クラスでは、引き続き、小文字の書き方を学びました。特別な文字から、「f, l, t」の「上から書く」文字に進みました。お手本を真似て、みんな一生懸命に書いていました。もっと練習すれば、すぐに読みやすい字が書けるようになりますよ。

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Savanna / Thank you Daddies for all that you do!! SV/RF