
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – Colorful week (20-24 June)

Hello everyone! みなさん、こんにちは!

It has been another exciting week in Rainbow! We went to the park, played with water outside, and had fun making sea animals with clay. We also got a class pet! George the beetle!



The temperature outside is getting hotter, and it might get too hot for walks to the park. Thankfully, we were still able to enjoy playing at the park this week. We brought the bubbles, and had a great time playing together! Of course, we remembered to drink a lot when playing outside in the hot weather.


Water play

We had a lot of fun playing with water outside in the hot weather. Before we went outside, we mixed food coloring with the water in the bottles together. We sat up a table outside along with some plastic cups. The kids got to freely mix the different colored water in the cups. It was so interesting for them to see how the color change when they mix multiple colors!  Naturally, the kids took this chance to spray the teachers with water too!


Playing with clay

It has been a while since we last played with our clay, so the kids were all very excited to use it again. Before we started, we talked about the different sea animals we have been talking about this month. I was happy to hear that the kids also wanted to use the clay to make their own sea animals. We had fun making turtles, starfish, sharks, octopuses and many more!



We also had fun painting this week! We dabbed some light colored paint on our canvas. We then covered it in a plastic wrap, and let the kids smear the paint around under the wrap. We also let them use their fingers if they wanted to paint that way too.


Rainbow’s pet beetle

This week, we also got a pet beetle in our class! We introduced him to the kids during our circle time and decided to call him George. The kids were so excited to see him!


Thank you for reading, and see you again next week! ではまた来週!

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