
Gojo Elementary School


Grade 6: Exciting things are coming up!

Hi everyone! Last week finished with our amazing Halloween party that took place on Friday! The whole school was filled by amazing costumes, and Grade 6 students weren’t far behind. We’ve had a huge shark, friendly Mario, terrifying Michael Myers and one of the colorful astronauts from Among Us in our midst. We started our party early in the morning with some board games and Halloween-themed quiz. We continued with the entire school joining in watching a fun movie and visiting different classrooms to do trick-or-treating. Finally, we enjoyed breaking a giant Jack-o-Lantern piñata that we made. It was so much fun! 🎃

皆さん、こんにちは! 今週のGrade 6の様子をご覧ください🎵
まず、先週行われたHalloween Partyの様子もご覧いただきましょう! Grade6の生徒も、大サメや人気キャラクターのMario、宇宙飛行士などなど様々なコスチュームに身を包みました!
スクール全体でハロウィンにちなんだ映画を観て、最後にはGrade 6が手作りしたジャイアント・ジャコランタンピニャータを破ることができました!!!

On Tuesday, the students participated in ISN Gojo Campus’ first assembly. Many interesting news were discussed, among them the naming of the assembly hall as the “Gojo Sky Room”, a name selected in a competition held by the students. The Grade 6 students suggested a list of great names, “Peaceful room”, “Pudding Hall” and “Gardenview Room” topping our list, but liked the final room name as well. Another exciting piece of information was the announcement on the forming of the four school houses, which the students will be a part of, developing their cooperation skills and the sense of community.

話し合う内容は、様々で例えば、今まで【多目的室】と呼んでいた部屋を、生徒のアイディア・投票で【Gojo Sky Room】に変更しました!

This week, the students were introduced to the year’s fourth Unit of Inquiry, exploring the Transdisciplinary Theme of “How we express ourselves”, following the Central Idea of “Our appearance is an impactful tool to show our identity”. During the following two weeks, Mr. Igor will be absent due to personal reasons, but the students are excited to be in the skillful hands of Mr. Jord and Ms. Atsuko, who will be substituting. They will be exploring the topics of different cultures around the world, with the focus on fashion and a person’s outward appearance as a way of showing their personality. The students’ activities will include discussions, watching videos, playing quizzes, doing research and preparing presentations, poster making, art lessons and Christmas show practice. For more information, please check the Unit Parent Information Sheet that was shared with you this week.

今週は、”Our appearance is an impactful tool to show our identity”をトピックに進めていきます。

Have a great weekend and see you soon! ☀️

TOP / Gojo Elementary School / G6 / Grade 6: Exciting things are coming up!