
Gojo campus


Money and Books

Greetings everyone.

I hope this finds you well and warm and finding ways to stay cheerful as we enter into (traditionally) the coldest part of Winter now.

In the Grade 4 classroom this week, we have been deepening our conversation and understanding of money, while also taking time to enjoy a visit from Value Books, Ueda.

Thank you to everyone who helped their child with their money questionnaire last weekend. The students seemed to really enjoy sharing and comparing their answers together.

With the answers collected, we then divided into new groups and began making crosswords about what we had learned.

The crosswords will be shared with the rest of the class, before being shared with other students on the 2nd floor later this week.

I think the visit from Value Books was much appreciated by all the students. Not only did they get a break from their usual classes but they also got to choose a new book for the school library.

The “Book Bus” had a really nice interior and the fact that students could use chalk to draw on the exterior of the bus only heightened the sense of novelty.

I think I can speak for all of the students, when offering our thanks to Value Books for being so generous and considerate of everyone at ISN Gojo.

今週のGrade4では、お金についての会話や理解を深めつつ、Value Booksの皆さんをゲストに招き、様々なことををじっくりと楽しんで学んでいます📖😊✨



Value Booksの訪問は、私たちにとって、とてもありがたいものだったと思います。ブックバスは内装がとてもきれいで、外装にチョークで絵を描くことができるのも斬新でした。🚌

Value Booksの皆様には、ISNの生徒を代表してお礼を申し上げたいと思います✨✨

Thank you for reading and hope you have a wonderful week.


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