
Gojo campus


Grade 6: Peacemakers

Hello, dear parents. With only two students being present, we’ve had a bit of a lonely week in Grade 6, but still managed to be productive. We’ve learned about modern Japan, discussed some global and local problems and inquired into the work of famed peacemakers. ☁️

The students connected their current Unit of Inquiry with their Japanese curriculum, by researching the topics of development of Japan after World War 2 and modern Japan’s international relationships, focusing on efforts towards reaching sustainability. The students prepared presentations on the topic, which is something they are trying to perfect their skill in before Middle school. The students also presented in front of Grade 5 students this week, still being a little bit shy, but slowly opening up. Grade 5 students were extremely helpful with their positive comments and constructive criticisms and we’d like to have this kind of collaboration time in the future as well. 🌳

We discussed how conflicts can have different levels, from international to personal, shared experience with solving our own conflicts and tried to solve some example ones. We learned that both public and private organizations, as well as individuals can be peacemakers, peacekeepers and peacebuilder and that conflicts are usually solved through either negotiation, mediation or arbitration. The students read the inspiring story about the young activist Malala Yousafzai and research some other famed peacemakers like John Lennon, Martin Luther King Jr., Betty Williams, Elie Wiesel and Harriet Tubman. It is very important to protect the memory of our heroes and learn from their actions. Have a nice weekend! ☀️

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