
Shimauchi Preschool


LET’S GO TO THE ZOO! Canyon July 4th-8th

Hi everyone!🌞
Our little ones had a wonderful journey in learning and exploring our unit of inquiry 1.
As we close our first unit, we assessed their learnings by making our “Class Rules”. We asked them one by one to share what they have learned as we discussed their roles and rules at school. We were glad to hear them sharing their ideas to the class! And as a proof that the rules we made are clear to them and we all agree to it, we put our thumb print on the paper.👍🏻 Well done everyone!


As we welcomed the new month of July, we opened our new unit of inquiry! In our 2nd unit, we learned about “Sharing the Planet”.🌏 We discussed what are the living things on earth such as: humans, plants, trees, insects, and animals.👫🏻🌳🌱🦋🐄🐬🐖 We also talked about our central idea which is “we live with animals and we help each other”. For our new learner profile, we introduced what being “caring” is. We asked them how can they show that they are caring to animals. Some of them said, by giving them lunch and snack, playing with them if it’s cloudy outside, and keeping them inside their house if it’s rainy. Impressive, Canyon!🌟
In our lines of inquiry 1, we discussed about the “Types of Animals” such as: Zoo, Sea, and Farm Animals. To test our youngsters further learnings about animals, we asked them to give an example of an animal. It was good to know that they knew a lot of animals and they answered right away!
This week, we focused on the Zoo Animals. We asked our young ones to choose an animal and put it in its proper habitat. Also, they learned a new Zoo song and enjoyed listening to the story of “The Crocodile Who Didn’t Like Water” by Gemma Merino.

ZOO SONG- https://youtu.be/LAEMLqEsn7A

7月になり、新しいUOIが始まりました。ここでは”地球の共有 “について学びます🌏 「地球上にはどんな生き物がいるの?」セントラルアイデアである「“人々と動物は助け合って生きている”とはどういう事なんだろう?」と話しあいました👫🏻🌳🌱🦋🐬

また新しいIBの学習者像として、“caring/思いやりのある人”とは何かも紹介しました。例えば「身近な生き物やペットを、みんなはどんな風に大切にしているの?」と質問すると、『ごはんやおやつをあげる!』『一緒に遊ぶ!』『雨の日は濡れないよう家に入れてあげる!』などの答えが返ってきました🌟LOI1では“動物の種類”について話をしました。動物園、海、そして農場にそれぞれいる動物の名前を聞いてみると、みんなたくさんの動物の名前を教えてくれました! 写真は、(動物園の動物に焦点を当てて)選んだ動物がどこに生息するものなのかを楽しみながら学んでいるところです📷

また新しいZoo songを学び、Gemma Merinoの “The Crocodile Who Didn’t Like Water “のお話を聞いて楽しみました🐊

As part of the celebration of the Star Festival, our little ones made a star as decorations and cited their wishes and wrote it on a small piece of paper and hung them on bamboo branches with hopes they will come true.✨


In our phonics and writing lesson, we discussed letters G and H. We learned the words that begin with these letters and did an uppercase letter tracing. Our young ones’ fine motor skills are improving! From the proper way of holding a pencil to tracing letters properly. Before we start our tracing activity, we always ask them to write the letter in the air using their mommy finger. Practice makes perfect, Canyon!⭐


This week was a special one because we had our Gym Open Day!!! Our little ones were so happy to do various exercises with their moms and dads at the gym!✨
To all the parents who came to our Gym Open Day, thank you very much for your presence!💖 We were pleased that you all enjoyed this precious moment with our youngsters! We always appreciate the time and effort you put in our school activities! Again, thank you!🙇🏻‍♀🙇🏻‍♂


Have a great weekend everyone!!!💦


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Canyon / LET’S GO TO THE ZOO! Canyon July 4th-8th