
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow/Meadow-April 16-20, 2018

Hi Parents!
Welcome to our blog.
This week, we welcomed the new teacher in Meadow, Ms. Serena. She is very warm and she loves working with children.
Well, for this week’s activity, our little ones enjoyed their Music Class. Look how they sat nicely on the chair. They  raised up their hand when their names were called. A few of them could say, “I’m here”. They clapped their hands and moved along with the music. Rainbow and Meadow had the same Music lesson on Monday, but of different group.
さて、今週の活動はミュージッククラスを楽しみました。見て下さい!みんなとっても上手に自分のイスに座れていますね。名前を呼ばれると手を上げてお返事ができ、何名かのお友達は「I’m here.」も言えました。音楽を聞いて手を叩いたり身体を動かしたりしました。RainbowとMeadowは同じミュージックの日ですが、クラスは別で行なっています。
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After their Music lesson, we went outside and play in the sandpit which is a perfect activity to develop their fine motor skills. Sandpit is one of the outside play places which excites them to go. Rainbow and Meadow members are learning the art of sharing while playing in the sandpit.
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Wednesday was even more exciting for Rainbow and Meadow because they could run around and enjoy the physical activity in the Gym. Our youngsters had lots of fun playing with a ball and were very delighted to run after the ball with a big smile on their face. Yay! We got the ball.
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Everyone was excited to get on the bus going to the park. Our little ones had lots of fun playing with friends. They slid on the slide, watched the trains go by, ran around, picked up some sticks and drew something on the ground. It was muddy in the park and it caught their attention to play with mud as well.
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We have been singing the ABC Song, Hey, Let’s Go, Rainbow Song, Seven Steps, Hello Song, Days of the Week, Bus Song, Walking Song and Bingo. We learned the numbers 1 to 7 and I asked them to pick up the correct number and our little ones were very proud of their little achievement. Well done!
クラスでたくさんの歌も歌っています。the ABC Song, Hey, Let’s Go, Rainbow Song, Seven Steps, Hello Song, Days of the Week, Bus Song, Walking Song and Bingo. 数字も1〜7まで学び、質問をすると言われた数字を手に取り合わせました。 みんな、よく出来ました!
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Have a wonderful weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow/Meadow-April 16-20, 2018