
Gojo campus


G6 Importance of plants!

Hello everyone, I hope that you are all keeping well and have had a good week. Its certainly been a scorching few weeks now with temperatures consistently in the 30 degree mark. The grade 6 students focused on the importance of having plants in our world, not only for humans but also for other living things such as animals. The students also had their first WIDA test this week, which focused on their writing skills.

This week was a week of adjustment for me, and getting back into a rhythm but we also focused on the importance of plants in our world. The students learned that plants provide us with food, medicine, furniture, cosmetics, they are home to many animals such as birds and insects. Hopefully, this can give students more of an understanding as to why we need to take care of plants.

The students also had to focus their energies on the WIDA test. This week the students had a writing test. This was the first of a series of test that will help students understand areas of improvement that they should work on.

The students also continue to cool off by going to the pool and having swimming lessons. Thank you very much for taking some time to read about our week and I hope that you all have a good weekend!

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