
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – Enjoying the summer 🌞 (22-26 August) 

Hello everyone! みなさん、こんにちは!

Welcome back to the Rainbow blog! We had another fun and exciting week with our young learners. We went back to the gym lesson, made some vegetables using clay, and have been having fun playing together!


Pool time 🏊

We had fun using the pool before and after the summer break. We will miss the pool time, and look forward to using it again next year!


Gym lesson 🤸

It’s been a while since we went to the gym lesson, and the kids were excited. Of course, they all love riding the bus! We can see so many things on the way to the gym. We try to use our English to describe the things we see on the way.

At the gym, we started the lesson by doing some stretching exercises. The kids tried their best, and did a great job! After the stretching we did some exercise using a ball to build their gross motor skills. They also had to walk through a couple of hoops that the teachers were holding in one of their exercises.



Making vegetables with clay 🥕

We are still learning about vegetables, so we decided to use clay to help reinforce what they have been learning. And they all love playing with clay! For some reason, they wanted to scare their teacher by making a scary pumpkin! Oh no! Even though we were focusing on making vegetables the kids were free to use their imagination to make whatever they wanted.

今月は野菜について学んでいます。今回は粘土で野菜を作ることにしました。4月とは違いみんな粘土遊びが好きになっていました。なぜか”scary pumpkin” 作りに盛り上がっていました🤣それぞれ思い思いに想像力を働かせて粘土遊びを楽しみました。

Going to the wolf park?? 🐺

Some of our students have been talking about and pretending going to a wolf park. We asked them why they were going to a wolf park. They said they were going to defeat a big scary wolf. How brave! To celebrate their imagination we made a wolf mask, so they could play being the wolf too!


Birthday party! 🎂

Happy birthday! This week we celebrated the birthday of two of the boys in class. We sang happy birthday, interviewed the kids on their favorite color, food etc., and then gave them their birthday cards. We ended the festivities by having a big dance party!

お誕生日おめでとう!8月生まれのお友達2人をみんなでお祝いしました。みんなで”happy birthday”を歌ってお誕生日のお友達にいくつか質問をしました。メッセージカードを渡した後はみんなでお祝いのダンスパーティーをしましたよ!

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week! それではまた来週!

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