
Gojo campus


Sports Day, gardening and cooking


I hope you are enjoying the cooler weather and the slow turn of leaf once more.

Last weekend was our annual Sports Day and it was really great to see so many parents and families in attendance. Although the early morning clouded over slightly, it was thankfully not for long and the clouds cleared for what was a perfect day weather-wise. The games were fun and lighthearted and I think this added to the spirit of the occasion. Middle School boys did a really great job of not only participating in some of the events but also helping with no setting up activities and contributing to the compèring as well. It is worth noting that the boys only received their scripts on the morning of the event so I was impressed by their handling of the material. A great day out and I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.

Middle School have also been continuing with their work on the school garden project. We did our best to calculate how much of each material we will need for the construction. This was an interesting task of applying their math skills to a real world situation and they attended to it as best they could. We also set about ordering the various material we will need from local companies and we are currently on course to “break ground” next Friday 27th October. If you are interested in helping, please feel free to contact either myself or the school.

And finally, this week the boys decided to experiment in the kitchen with a recipe for this year’s Halloween. As you may or may not already know, this year’s ISN Halloween party will be slightly different in that we are asking students to prepare in class treats for sharing with other grades. Having already decided their chosen recipe several weeks before, we were finally able to get into the kitchen and have a go at preparing our, “Candied Fruit”. Several of the boys had already tried it at home and it led to a somewhat comical situation of “too many chefs” and not enough cooks. Thankfully a compromise was reached and the boys managed to serve up some sweet treats by the end of the session. We will now work on scaling up the recipe to share with the rest of the school.

Well, that’s all for this week. Hope you have a great week and till next time…


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