


“Our Responsibility Towards Living Creatures” August 29-September 2


It’s BER months! The air is starting to get cooler. Everyone at ISN is looking forward for this month’s Sports Festival. As the event is fast approaching, we rehearse almost everyday in order to acquire proficiency. Aside from rehearsal, we also had our UOI, Writing, Phonics and Reading, Counting, Music Lesson, and Outside Play.

(豆知識:フィリピンなどでは9月に入るとクリスマスの準備が始まるそうです!そしてこの時期をSeptember,October,November,Decemberのberから取って”ber months”と言うそうです!)
9月は運動会があります!みんな運動会をとても楽しみにしています✨練習を重ねる度にみるみる上達しています👏今週は運動会の練習以外にUOI、Writing、Phonics and Reading、Counting、Music Lesson、Outside Playをしました!

✅ Unit of Inquiry

We have started our third line of inquiry; Our responsibility towards living creatures. Shooting Star class made the poster of LOI3 by group. It was wonderful to behold how they worked together and teachers got noticed of endless collaboration that took place in each group. We talked about the good environment of living creatures on this line of inquiry. As part of our prior knowledge assessment, we carried out a Yes or No game. The teacher showed some pictures of different environments and the pupils raised their placards up with a yes or no answer. Their answers were followed by a WHY question to justify their choice. Everyone engaged and enjoyed the game! We also watched a video about a good environment for butterflies and spent time brainstorming after that. Then after the brainstorming session, we did a worksheet activity about a good environment of butterflies. The drawings were so wonderful.

今週からLOI3″Our responsibility towards living creatures”(生物に対する私たちの責任)の探求が始まりました✨まずはLOI3のポスターをグループ毎作りました!グループのお友達と協力して素敵なポスターが出来上がりました♩次のレッスンでは、生き物にとって住みやすい環境とは何か話し合いました。

✅ Phonics and Reading

We practiced reading the word family. And starting this week, Shooting Star class will be taking the ”I Can Hop” book to practice reading at home.

今週のフォニックスのレッスンではub, ug, ud, ut, um, unが付く単語を読む練習をしました!
今週は”I Can Hop”の本を持ち帰りますので、お家でお子さまと一緒に読んでみてください♩

Have a fantastic weekend everyone.


TOP / 南松本プレスクール / “Our Responsibility Towards Living Creatures” August 29-September 2