


Unity and Collaboration – Milky Way 9/5 – 9/9

Unity is a strength when there is collaboration!


The battle between teams in Milky Way Class is still on, and the competition is getting tighter as the days go by.

夏前にスタートしたMilky Way House Cupは、日を追うごとにヒートアップしています!

To practice Unity, the teams were put on a challenge, where the same template was given to them and it’s up to each member of the team how they’ll make their craft stand out. The students were so motivated to win and gave their best, skills, and talent to make their pieces beautiful. After the game, we came to the conclusion that unity is being one, and contributing and doing one’s part in reaching the goal is collaboration.


Fire Team

We continued talking about collaboration, we learned that to collaborate well, we must know each other. To do this, we played FRIEND BINGO, where students need to ask around and find the right match with the description on the card. It was a good practice of asking questions and a good way of honing their social skills.

私たちはコラボレーションについて掘り下げ、うまくコラボレーションするためには、お互いを知ることが大切だと学びました。そして、FRIEND BINGOを行いました😊これは、子ども達がまわりのお友達に質問をして、カードに書かれた内容と一致するお友達を見つけるというものです。質問をする練習にもなり、社会性を磨くのにとても良い方法でした!

Digging deeper is important in every learning and inquiry. To deepen our knowledge of collaboration, we conducted an interview activity where students were paired and were asked to get to know their partners by asking questions. They all looked professional when doing the interview and they were successful in gathering the information they needed to know.


Our students have always loved reading, and these days, they are not just improving their reading skills but also their spelling skills. We always practice how to spell words by sounding each letter and coming up with the correct spelling. They all now can spell the days of the week without looking at a flash card, and some colors, too.


Every day gets busier for Milky Way, but with unity and collaboration, we all are able to pass every challenge and reach each goal with a happy heart.


Thank you for your continuous support to us, we hope that you all enjoy reading our blog every week.


Have a wonderful weekend ahead!


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