
Nagano Preschool


Aurora Nagano: Farm trip!

Good day! We had a wonderful trip to the local farm near our school this week! In connection to our LOI: The ways animals help us, we learned about how the farm animals bring benefits to human. We first introduced the animals (Chicken, Cow, Pig and Sheep) to the kids and asked them “What do you think this animal can give us?”. The kids were able to answer the products they thought are from the particular animal. For example, cow gives us milk, pig gives us foods, chicken gives us eggs, and sheep gives us clothes.

After we learned about the products of farm animals, we arranged a bus trip to Obuse farm for better learning experience. We first greeted the owner of the farm and had our way to visit the calf (baby cow!). The owner brought us a close-up experience to touch the calf! The kids were scared at first but slowly getting familiar with the cute looking calf! We also learned that these are the milk cow, which they will produce milk in the future. We are grateful that the owner brought the calf for us this week, Thank you so much! Next, we headed to the shop to have some organic milk ice cream! The ice cream we had were produced by the mother of these calves! We learned about the importance of our food and be grateful for animals that help us. It was super yummy! After that, we had fun with the mini playground and the swings before we head back to school. It was certainly a productive and eye-opened trip for all of us!
前回のUOIのレッスンで、ファームアニマル🐄🐖🐑🐔について学んだ私たちは、探求の流れ3:動物はどのように私たちを助けているのかをより深く探究、実際に体験するために小布施牧場さん🐄へ出かけました。私たちは最初に牧場のオーナーさんに会うことができ、そして子牛がいる森へ向かい歩きました。子牛さんたちが見えると、「over there🐄! over there🐄!」と大興奮の子どもたち。子牛さんたちを間近に見て、その子牛さんたちの様子に興味津々です。でも、子牛さんたちをびっくりさせないようにみんな静かにお話をしている優しいオーロラのみんな。そんな様子を見ていたオーナーさんが子どもたちを中へ入れてくださり、もっと近くでそして、子牛さんを触らせてもらえました。子どもたちは最初は少し怖がっていましたが、優しくかわいい子牛さんにだんだん慣れてきました。


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