
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow – What’s your favorite shape?  (12-16 September) 

Hello everyone! みなさんこんにちは!

We had a fun week here in Rainbow. We learned about shapes, had a fun gym lesson at the school, and enjoyed shaking a maracas in music lesson. 今週もレインボーさんみんなで楽しい1週間を過ごすことができました。いろいろな形について学び、教室の中でgym lessonをしたり、マラカスを振ったりしました!

Shapes (Monthly theme)

As mentioned in earlier blogs, we have started learning about shapes this month. The main focus is learning the name of the shapes, but we are also reinforcing the vocabulary and phrases we have learned from previous months. Phrases like:

  • «What’s this? »
    • «It’s a ____»
  • “Do you like ___?”
    • “Yes, I do”
    • No, I don’t”
  • “I like ___”

If you want to help your child remember these simple phrases more easily, you can try using them together at home too!

We are learning the names of some basic 2D shapes. Circle, Square, Triangle, Rectangle, Star and Heart. Each child got to pick their favorite shape to color. After they colored the shape, we put them on the wall for display. Luckily, we got at least one of each shape!

先週お伝えした通り、いろいろな形について学んでいます。メインは形の名前を覚えることですが、そこに加て表現の仕方の定着も目指しています。先月に引き続き、 «What’s this? » «It’s a ____» “Do you like ___?” “Yes, I do” No, I don’t” “I like ___” このような文章を使っています。もしよろしければお家でも使ってみてくださいね!


Shaking our maracas!

We used maracas for the first time this week in our music lesson. The kids had a lot of fun shaking the maracas and making sound. We walked around the room while shaking them while the teacher played music on the piano. When the music stopped, they also had to stop moving and making sound. I was surprised how quickly everyone was able to stop making sound! Good job everyone!

今週のmusic lessonではマラカスを使いました。子供たちはマラカスを振るとキレイな音が出るのが嬉しくって、嬉しくって😄先生のピアノの音に合わせてマラカスを振りながら教室の中を歩きました!ピアノの音が止まると、子供たちもピタッと止まります。みんなびっくりするほど上手に、マラカスの音も止めることができました!

New outside toys!

We got a donation of toys for the sandpit from one of our wonderful parents! Thank you so much! The kids really loved playing with all the new toys!


Thank you for reading, and asee you again next week! 今週もご覧いただきありがとうございました!ではまた来週!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow – What’s your favorite shape?  (12-16 September)