


Our First Stroll through the park (Rainbow- September 26-29)

公園への初めての散歩 Rainbowクラス 9月26日~29日より

Hello everyone,


How time flies! We have only days left to say goodbye to September. We had a lot of fun shared together and we are looking forward to the new journey ahead.

時が経つのは早いですね! 9月も終わりです。みんなで一緒に楽しい時間を過ごした日々も過ぎ去り、新たな活動を楽しみにしています。

This week, it was pleasant weather and perfect to spend our mornings strolling and playing in the yard. On Thursday morning, for the first time, we went strolling through the park. The place was quite distant from school and it took 20 minutes on foot and it was a bit risky since we have to cross the road where there are a lot of cars and trucks passing by. Some kids say “Aren’t we arriving yet?” But with their patience, we were able to reach and went back safely. Our youngsters listened well to the instructions and grabbed the ring firmly and never leave the line, raised their hands when crossing the road and walk straight following friends in front of them. WhEn we arrived the park, kids were so high tension, and eager to play with the equipments, and tried climbing up over the net. They had a blast playing and took turns in the playing area. When we walked back to school, though they were tired and hungry, they did their best walking and never complained about how they felt, and instead, they kept on singing the class favorite song “LET IT GO.” We have noticed changes about their growth. Months before, they got tired so soon but now they walk for a long distance and never cry! They can climb up by themselves and developed their socialization skills by playing nicely with friends, share space and take turns with each other. Good job, Rainbow!

今週、天気に恵まれ、午前中に散歩をして過ごしたり、園庭で遊ぶのに最適な気候となりました。木曜日の朝には、初めて公園へ散歩に行きました。その場所はスクールからはかなり離れた所にあり、多くの車やトラックが通る為少々危ない箇所がありました。子供達は「もう着く?」と口々に言いましたが、頑張ってたどり着くことが出来、無事戻ってこられました。子供達は指示を良く聞き、お散歩ロープをしっかり握り、列から決して離れませんでした。さすがです!みんなとても楽しんで、遊ぶ場所では順番を守ったりしました。スクールへ歩いて戻る時、みんな疲れて空腹でしたが、頑張って、辛くても不平を言いませんでした。子供達は “LET IT GO.”のお気に入りの曲を歌い続け、彼らの成長の変化を実感しました。数か月前には直ぐに疲れていましたが、今では長距離を歩き泣かなくなったのです!みんな自身で、友達と上手に遊んだり、場所を譲り合ったり、お互いに順番を守りながら社会性のスキルを高め、発展させることが出来ています。頑張ったね、Rainbowクラスのお友達!

GYM DAY- Ball balancing

体操教室の日 ボールでバランスを取りながら

When we arrived at the gym, kids started to run around but they participated in stretching their bodies. This week, they used the ball to balance their bodies sitting on and float on it with hands extending on both sides and with their feet up. They enjoyed kicking, throwing, catching, and chasing them.


Saying goodbye is not forever


We did a farewell party for one of the students who will be moving to another campus. We danced together with everyone’s favorite “Baby Shark dance. After that, we gave her a present with the class photo. She looked sad when her friends gave her a hug and kiss. Thank you so much, A. We will never forget you and the memories we had. We love you and hope to see you around.

別のキャンパスへ移るお友達の為にお別れ会をしました。みんなでお気に入りの”Baby Shark dance”を踊りました。その後、クラス全員による写真入りのカードをプレンゼントしました。お友達がハグとキスをすると寂しそうでした。みんな決してあなたのことや一緒に過ごした思い出を忘れないよ。みんなあなたのことが大好きでまた会いたいと願っています。

Take a look at our youngsters during their free play


Reflection on the topic lesson


We have finished our lessons about Shapes. Kids enjoyed learning through activities. They were able to distinguish and say the shapes they see around them. Well done, Rainbow!


Phonics J, K, L

フォニックス J, K, L

Students were able to pronounce the letters properly and actively participated in activities of learning their phonics. They were able to sort words that start with letter J, K and L like J- j- jam, jacket, jet, jelly, juice.

子供達は文字を正しく発音出来、フォニックスの学びの活動に積極的に参加しました。みんな Jam jacket, jet, jelly, juice. のようにJ、k、Lから始まる文字を分けることが出来ました。

K-k- king, kangaroo, koala

L-l- lemon, laugh, ladybug,

Thank you for reading our blog. We are excited to welcome the new month with the new adventure.

Have a nice weekend and see you next week.



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