
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Rainbow –  Looking for ants at the park (20-23 September) 

Hello everyone! みなさん、こんにちは!

Hope everyone enjoyed their long weekend, and will enjoy this long weekend too! It has been a short but fun week here in Rainbow. お天気はイマイチですが、みなさん2回目の三連休をお楽しみかと思います。今週はいつもより短い1週間でしたが、いつも通りレインボーのみんなは楽しく過ごすことができました😄

Gym lesson

We had another fun gym lesson this week. The kids are getting so good at using their bodies to balance and jump now. It’s very different from when we first started in April! For one of the exercises this week we used the obstacle equipment. The kids had to first walk across it without touching it, and then jump over it the second time. We also used the trampoline to improve our jumping and balancing skills.



We always have fun playing together inside. The kids are getting along and are playing together well. Even though they are just 2 and 3 years old, they have already developed some social skills as they can communicate well with each other while playing.

レインボーさんは室内遊びも大好きです。今回は白い布を使ってちっちゃなテント風のお家で遊びました。狭い所ってワクワクするし、遊んでいても楽しいですよね。お友達との関わりが増えて、social skillが発達してきているのだなと感じます。

Back to the park

We went back to the park for the first time since spring. I was happy that no one forgot how to walk in a safe and nice manner to and from the park. They had a ton of fun running around and playing in the park with their friends. They really got excited about finding ants on the trees, and finding the ant colony!


Insect museum

We got to visit the insect museum that the shooting star has created as part of their UOI lessons. It was really amazing the Rainbow kids had so much fun looking at all the different things. It was also nice that they were able to communicate in English with the shooting star class by asking them «What’s this?”.

年中さんがUOIの中で制作した昆虫博物館にお邪魔しました。お兄さん、お姉さんたちの作った作品を食い入るようにみていました。そして“What’s this?” と聞きながらコミュニケーションをとることができました👏

Thank you for reading, and see you again next week! それではまた来週!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Rainbow / Nagano Rainbow –  Looking for ants at the park (20-23 September)