
Shimauchi Preschool


RF May 24th 2018

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算数では、Doublesから少し発展してNear Doublesをしました。
5+5=10 ならば、5+6は? 5から6は一つ上だから、答えも一つうえ。10、11! 
Doublesを習得している子どもたちにとっては、とても簡単な様子でした。30以上の大きいNear Doublesにも挑戦した時は、ブロックを作って考えました。


This week we have been lucky to have some nice weather to play outside and watched Upper Elementary plant some seeds and seedlings outside the entrance. Hopefully there will be some cucumbers and peas growing before long!

Thank-you to all the parents who have come for interviews, it was nice to meet those parents that I haven’t seen yet. This week the students have been doing Near Doubles (5+6=11) in maths after we focused on Doubles for 2 weeks. They enjoyed using the coloured unifix blocks to count with their table partner.

We have done different phonics sounds such as /wh/ and /pr/ and built small words ending with -en, -an, -ig, -ut, -at, -ip and -ot. We are finalising our IB unit on Who We Are this week before starting our next unit “The history of a country shapes its culture” in June.

TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Rainforest / RF May 24th 2018