
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Rainbow/Meadow May 21-25, 2018

Hello Dear Parents!
Thank you for coming at the parents meeting this week. It was nice hearing what you’re children are doing at home and at the same time it was our great chance to relay to you what they are learning and doing at school. It was a great opportunity understanding more of our youngsters.
We have had fun-filled learning activities this week. We learned about body parts and sang Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes and This Is Me. We made a craft for face parts (eyes, nose, ears, and mouth). Our youngsters had a clear understanding where to put each face parts. What a remarkable start of understanding the body parts. Well done, Rainbow for making your parents proud of your work.
今週もたくさんの楽しい活動がありました。体のパーツを歌(Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes と This Is Me)で学びました。子どもたちは、顔のパーツがどこにあるのか、体のパーツは何て言うのかを理解をし始めました。
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We enjoyed walking to the park. Our dear little ones know the simple rules for walking so we can arrive safely to the park such as; no pushing, no running, no jumping, no picking up anything on the ground, holding the walking rope all the time, and most importantly, we need to stop every time we hear the whistle (it means car is coming). Our angels follow all the rules carefully. Upon reaching the park, oh! our dear little ones run to the play structure that they want to play in.
歩いて公園に行きました。子ども達と道を歩く時の簡単なお約束 ”友達を押さない、走らない、ジャンプしない、何も拾わない、お散歩ロープを離さない” そして一番大事な約束である ”笛の音が聞こえたら立ち止まる(車が来ている)” を守る事で、安全に公園までたどり着いています。子ども達もこの約束に気を付けて歩き、公園についた時は思い切り走り回り自分の好きな遊びをして楽しんでいます。
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Rainbow and Meadow went to the gym together. They had lots of fun doing the exercises. They also enjoyed the bee tag and had so much fun playing with the pink hoop. Everyone got a hoop and play with it in many ways.
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Music Class was also fun for our dear Rainbow and Meadow . They couldn’t help themselves, but smile and move along with music everytime Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes and Ai Ai songs are being played.
ミュージッククラスでは、Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes や アイアイの曲に合わせて体を動かしてリズムをとりました。
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We have been learning a new topic which is Family. I was surprised when I showed them the flash cards for family members, a few of them exclaimed, daddy, mummy, brother, sister and baby. Wow! You made me glad, Rainbow!
新しいトピックである、”家族”をテーマにして学んでいます。家族の絵カードを見せると何人かの子どもたちが”daddy, mummy, brother, sister それから baby”と答えてくれてとてもビックリしました。
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Before we have ended this week, we showered a birthday party to ISN members who are born in May hosted by Ms. Hitoko. Two of our angels enjoyed the birthday party. Everyone sang a birthday song for them. They had fun listening to the story, “The Three Little Pigs”. Thank you Ms. Hitoko for hosting  a wonderful birthday party.
週末には、Ms.Hitokoによる、5月生まれの誕生会がありました。レインボーからは2人の誕生児が参加しました。みんなから誕生日の歌やMs.Hitokoによる ”三匹のこぶた” のお話しを聞き楽しみました。
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Have a great weekend everyone!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Rainbow / Rainbow/Meadow May 21-25, 2018