


The last Roar! – Milky Way 12/12 – 12/16

And just like that, the most awaited event of the year is done.


After a month of practicing for the show and lots of hard work: memorizing steps, lines, and actions; making props, costumes, and script, the fruit of our labor has finally landed in our hands: The show went well and the whole place was in awe and was very happy about the performance! Each of the students gave their best and did their part well to add to the perfection of the play.

約1ヶ月間、この劇へ向けてたくさん練習を重ねてきました。踊り、セリフ、動きを覚え、小道具、衣装、台本を作り、たくさんの苦労や努力がありましたが、その成果をついにみんなで全身で感じることができました✨私たちMilky Wayの劇は大成功に終わり、会場全体が感嘆の声とたくさんの拍手をくださいました。子ども達はそれぞれ自分の役を全うして、劇はとっても素晴らしいものになりました!!

We also shot the summative assessment this week for the Christmas Show. The whole class was divided into 7 groups and given an event to present. Teamwork was again seen within the groups, communication was open during the planning and cooperation was palpable, a good recipe for coming up with a great presentation, and it was!

また、今週はUOIの総括評価であるWorld celebrationsのビデオ撮影を行いました。クラス内で7つのグループに分かれ、それぞれが今まで探究してきたイベントを一つずつ発表しました。どのグループもまた良いチームワークやコミュニケーション、そして協力体制が見て取れ、素晴らしいプレゼンテーションに仕上がりました!

It has been a great week for everybody, busy but fun! We all hope that you had a great time too watching our presentations and enjoyed the last Christmas Show presentation as preschoolers of your kids.


This presentation was indeed memorable and one of the bests. It may be their last Christmas presentation as preschoolers, but more to come in their journey as students.


This is definitely not their LAST ROAR!



Have a nice weekend!


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