We have been learning about teamwork for a while now, and it’s time to show our talk. We reflected on our mistakes during the games and learned from it. Our kids have realized that they could do more with their teammates, therefore, they also learned to appreciate them.
We attended the combined classes birthday party this week, we learned more about our friends in other classes and shared our happiness together. Sharing is always caring and it’s good for the well-being of others.
We also found some little cute roly-poly in our school ground lately, so we decided to keep them for our kids. We first need to be responsible for the well-being of our pets, therefore, we learned about their habitats, foods, and living environment. It will be a good start for our UOI unit 2.
We learned a new set of blending phonics this week: gr, pr, tr. Please watch the video below and revise at home.
今週のフォニックスは、gr, pr, tr の音を学びました。ぜひお子さんと一緒にビデオをご覧になってください。それでは、皆さま、良い週末をお迎えください。