


Happy New Year (Meadow-January 4th-6th)

Hello everyone, 明けましておめでとうございます!今年もよろしくお願い申し上げます!

We wish you all the best for the New year and hope that this year will be a year full of smiles for us all. After the winter vacation, the children came back to school with a cheerful voices and greetings. We felt like they have grown a little more than last year.


We started the day keeping our little ones active. We spent most of our days walking to the park, and another day going by bus. They love to move and have so much energy to run off. While we waited for some friends to come, they waited patiently and listened attentively to the teacher’s instructions. Walking is fun and the kids noticed things they saw on our way, and they were able to name the transport vehicles they saw as we are taking up about it on this month’s lesson. At the park, climbing up and sliding down is popular to the children but then they were able to wait for their turn and get in the queue. Physical activities can be a great stress relievers for children who were cooped up inside during the freezing weather in winter vacation.


It snowed a little and our little ones had a chance to touch and play with it. Some kids made a little snowball and did a snowball fight with the teacher and some kids pretended to use it as feeds. We heard the voices saying “It’s cold!” while touching the snow.

前日の雪で、子ども達は雪に触れるチャンスがありました。小さな雪玉をつくったり、先生と雪合戦をしたり、また雪で何かを作って遊ぶお友達もいました。雪を触るとみんな声を上げて “It’s cold!”と。 “It’s cold!”が飛び交っていました!

January lesson- Transportation

This month, we are learning about the “Transportation” . This is an interesting lesson especially for our boys who love cars, and train toys. We introduced their names by showing the flashcards of car, bus, motorcycle, train, van, fire engine, ambulance, taxi and etc. We did some activities to let the children recognise what transport it is. Each of them, picked up the picture from the box, named it and stuck it on the wall. Another activity we did was the transport puzzle. Our little ones enjoyed the activity by looking for the matched half part of the transport on the wall. Good job, Meadow!

今月のテーマは乗り物です。車や電車が大好きなお友達にとってはとっても興味深いテーマですね。car, bus, motorcycle, train, van, fire engine, ambulance, taxi などなど、沢山の乗り物の名前をフラッシュカードを使い英語で学びました。お名前を知った後、箱の中にあるカードを一枚引いて、カードの絵は何の乗り物かを英語で発表し、クラスの壁に貼りました。乗り物パズルも楽しかったね!乗り物の半分を手に、もう半分を見つけてマッチさせます。Good job, Meadow!

Number Detectives

Singing the number song is one of Meadow’s favourite in the morning circle and even during free play time. Our little ones enjoyed the activity being a “number detective”. We showed the number flashcard and they actively raised their hands and looked for the same number on the wall using the detective lens.


Our little ones expressing their feelings during the morning circle time. Have a glance at their adorable facial expressions 


See you on our next update. Keep warm and have a wonderful weekend.


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