
Nagano Preschool


Nagano Milky Way: We helped our environment.

After we have learned about our environment and its function, we took a further step to observe the differences in our surroundings. “Why is the water dirty?”, “Why should we protect our river?”, and “Why fishes only live in clean water?” are the questions some of our kids asked in this beginning of the unit. Therefore, we went to observe and collect water from the river, drainage, and stream in one of the park. We discussed what we have observed, and we shared our observations with each other. Besides that, we also noticed that there are leaves scattered around the park, and we went there to collect the leaves this week. This helped us noticed that we could do something simple to help our environment.

We have learned the blending sound of “sn” and “sm” this week, please do watch the videos below and also do the homework (worksheet) at home. Please submit the homework by next Thursday September 7th. Thank you in advance and have a nice weekend!
今週のフォニックスでは、”sn” と”sm”の音を学びました。下記のビデオを見て、宿題のワークシートをして頂くよう、サポートをお願い致します。来週の木曜日(9月7日)までに持ってきてください。よろしくお願い致します。良い週末を!

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