
Nagano Preschool


Nagano SHOOTING STAR: September 19-22

Learning while we play, and playing while we learn

When we started school on Tuesday this week, we had many happy reports from Shooting Star students about what they did, where they went and to whom they gave their “Flower Basket” paper craft card we made last week.

We took some time to go outside most days this week, to learn, to play and to care for our plants. One BAD surprise was that we found small green caterpillars which had eaten many of the radish leaves; not much damage to the beets so far. One GOOD surprise is that we found a lot of NEW radishes coming up from between the stones…SOMEBODY spilled a lot of seeds, but they are growing strongly so far!

Nearly everyone is remembering the SUN, AIR, WATER, SPACE and GOOD SOIL that plants need to grow, and we added some NEW parts to our drama about bees, flowers, pollination and honey: first the FLYING bees go out to gather nectar and pollen from the flowers, they bring it home to the hive and pass it from their mouths to the mouths of CHEWING bees who chew it about 20-30 minutes before they pass it to ANOTHER chewing bee and so on until it is ready to to put in the wax cells of the honeycomb, then the DRYING bees flap their wings to take more water out until they finally make a wax cap to save that honey for winter food.
植物が育つには、太陽、空気、水、栄養のある土、スペースが必要であることがわかりました。また、LOI 2のテーマである、小さな動物たちへの責任を学ぶため、ハチの受粉について学んでいます。飛んでいるハチが、蜜を集め、花から花へ移動し、花の受粉を助けています。また、ハチが蜜を運び、作る蜂の巣についても学びました。ティースプーン1杯のはちみつが、12匹のハチが集める一生分の蜂蜜であることを知り、スクールでのおやつの時間で、パンと蜂蜜、マーガリンを食べた際、皆で、”Thank you, Bees!”と大きな声で言っていました。「感謝して頂く。」とても大切なことだとあたらめて思いました。

One TEASPOON (5 ml) of honey is the life work of about TWELVE bees!

Along with our UOI studies, we’re progressing on our reading and writing skills, and on remembering all the numbers from 0-100. Another fun and busy week!

We are getting GOOD at “Gray Duck”, with lots of inventive colors!
外の活動では、よく”Gray Duck”という遊びをしています!皆で大きな円をつくり、一人の子が、時計回りに、一人ひとりの頭を優しく触りながら、好きな色のDuckを言っていきます。”Pink Duck”, ” Gold Duck”, ” Rainbow Duck” …と言い続け、”Gray Duck!”と言われた子が、立って追いかける遊びです。
皆、Gray Duckと言ってほしい様子で、とても楽しい時間です。


Numbers one to one hundred with “Snakes and Ladders” game

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Creating with clay.
ランチの後のRecess Timeの様子とWritingの練習をしている時の様子です。

Watch the marble go!

Busy writing!

TOP / Nagano Preschool / Shooting Star / Nagano SHOOTING STAR: September 19-22