


Nagano Aurora –  You’ve got a friend in me  (June 10th-14th)

Hello Everyone!

First and foremost I would like to thank you for joining us during our open school day. Our first show and tell was such a great experience, it was fun to share and learn about the kids favorite toy from home, because of this activity the kids got a little bit more closer.  Thank you for supporting the kids, because of that they are becoming brave and gaining more confidence.

まず何よりも、オープンスクールにご参加いただき、ありがとうございました。初めてのショー・アンド・テルはとても素晴らしい経験でした。みんながお家で使っているお気に入りのおもちゃを発表し学ぶことはとても楽しく、この活動のおかげでみんなの距離が少し縮まりました。 この活動のおかげで、みんな勇気を持ち、自信を持つことができました。

UOI 1 LOI 2: Who are my friends?

This week we discussed and did activities that are about friends and friendship. 

Our main topic is about how we can build friendship through our words.

To help explain this idea to the kids, We had a storytelling time. I had two apples with me to help tell the story. To one apple I spoke kind words and I was very nice, to the other apple I was mean and  spoke hurtful words,  from the outside the apples look very identical and it looks ok, but once I cut the apples and look inside one of the apple ( the apple which I was mean to) is all black and ugly inside.  

With this story we learned the importance of speaking kind words.

Kind words help build good friendships. Unkind words can hurt our friends, can make them sad and like the apples they feel bad inside. We want to hear kind words and we want to speak kind words because we care for our friends and our friends care for us too. 

After the story time we had a fun activity where in the kids had to pair up with their friend, and call them up using a paper cup phone, they where to phone their partner and tell them nice things. 

In the class we always try to encourage the kids not to choose friends and try to get along with everyone. We also had games that would challenge them to play nicely. We had a game where in each kid was given a tube and a puzzle piece, they had to find the other half of the puzzle then connect the tube they had to form a small group that became one big group and they needed to connect all their tubes to make one big circle. In the end the game wasn’t so successful we where not able to connect all the tubes and form one big circle but the kids had fun, the game challenged them to play with everyone which was worth the try. We will be playing it again and hopefully this time we can do it!



この考えを子供たちに説明するために、ストーリーテリングの時間を持ちました。私は2つのリンゴを持って、物語を語りました。一つのリンゴには優しい言葉をかけ、とてもいい子にしていたのですが、もう一つのリンゴには意地悪をし、傷つけるような言葉をかけました。 表面的にはどちらのリンゴも同じように見えて大丈夫そうでしたが、一度切ってみるとひとつのリンゴ(いじわるをした方のリンゴです)は中が真っ黒になっていて醜くなっていました。





Happy Father’s Day 

 In celebration of Father’s Day the kids were hard at work making something for their hardworking dads. 

We honor and thank you for all that you do! 



This is our new Morning song and Goodbye song


Goodbye to you By: Elf Learning

Thank You for your time and Have an awesome weekend.

TOP / 長野プレスクール / Nagano Aurora –  You’ve got a friend in me  (June 10th-14th)