


Enjoy the rest of the days being together-Rainbow(March 13-17)


Hello everyone,


Welcome to another fun week here in Rainbow. As the days are getting warmer our youngsters are also energetic as ever. This week, we spent our days moving a lot, done a lot of exercises, and enjoy the days getting along well with each other. Getting our youngsters ready for the next level , we talked about the behaviour they possess and confident of those behavior to becoming an Aurora student. We showed the flashcards of the the things they can do by themselves and let them pick and speak in front of their friends. We encouraged them to say ‘”I can… Make a line, play nicely with friends, put on clothes by myself and etc”. Each of them were eager raising their hands and spoke confidently in front.

今週のレインボークラスのブログへようこそ。一日毎に暖かくなり、子供達は一層元気一杯です。今週、子供達は沢山活動や運動をし、お友達同士仲良く過ごしました。子供達は次の学年に進むのにふさわしくなっており、みんなに望ましい行動や次の学年のクラスであるAuroraの子供達のようになり為の振る舞いにおける自信のあり方をお話しました。自分達で出来る言動をカードで見せ、好きなカードを一つとるように伝え、みんなの前で発表しました。”I can… Make a line, play nicely with friends, put on clothes by myself and etc”.などと言ってみるように促しました。みんな一人一人が手を挙げてやりたがり、みんなの前で自信を持って発表出来ました。

Reviewing numbers


Morning circle time is getting lively with our youngsters big voices singing together. They love counting numbers and we did some activities recognising numbers and learning how to count. Rainbow students who love the “horse song” during the music class, also counted the horse pictures and stuck on the appropriate number on the wall. They also had a blast doing the paper cup bowling and counted the cups they hit.

朝の学びの時間では共に大きな声で歌ったりして生き生きと楽しんでいます。みんなで数を数えたり数を理解したりする活動を行い、数え方を復習しました。レインボークラスの子供達は音楽の時間の”horse song” が大好きなので、馬の絵を使用し数を数え、壁の適した場所へ貼っていく活動をしました。また、紙コップでボーリングをして大いに楽しみ当てたカップを数えたりしました。

What letter does your name start?


We confirmed if they know the first letter of their names. We practiced how to introduce their names and pointed the letter on the wall. They were able to say… “My name is … Nanami,” And pronounced the letter well, N N Nanami! Good job, Rainbow!

子供達が自分の名前の最初の文字が分かるかどうか確認しました。自分の名前をどのように紹介するか練習し壁にある文字を差しました。みんな”My name is … Nanami,” のように言え、そして上手に発音することが出来ました。良く出来たね、Rainbowクラスのお友達!

Recognising Letters


We also did an activity of matching the letters of the ball they pick to the toilet paper roll. The teacher say the letter And each student has to go and pick the letter being asked. They really enjoyed this activity. Well done, Rainbow👍


Sea animals


This week, we focused on the children’ s favourite lesson about the sea animals. We did the fishing activity, sea animal detective and feed the shark activities. They were able to name the sea animals and were motivated to participate in the activities.


Feel the warm breeze and had fun under the sun.

This season brings everyone a cheerful and brighter day. More outdoor time is linked with improved motor development and getting some sun helps us make vitamin D that the body needs to stay healthy and strong. When we walk, we exercise our muscles and get more active to get going the whole day. We spent a lot of time walking and playing in the park keeping our youngsters all the tim e. They used a lot of energy and as a result, They had a good appetite at lunch. That also helps them to sleep tight.

Playing outdoor makes the children engage in learning. They promote curiosity and creativity. While playing in the park, kids noticed some flowers growing and a colony of ants attracted their attention.




We want to thank and congratulate Milky Way students on their graduation so we made tulips as a sign of our love. Congatulations, Milky Way, we love you🥰

年長組のMilky Wayの子供達の卒園に感謝とお祝いの気持ちとしてチューリップを作りました。Milky Way, we love you🥰

Practice line tracing


How was your day? Kids share their feelings, what they did the whole day and what they enjoyed before saying goodbye.

How was your day? 子供達はさよならを言う前に一日何をしたのか、また何が楽しかったのかなど、気持ちを共有したりしています。

Music class


We ended our week with the children’s powerful voices singing together in our music class. The music teacher was surprised how energetic they were. Good job, Rainbow👍 You are certified to be the next Aurora students.


A few days left and counting and we will make these remaining days a memorable one.

Thanks you for reading our blog. Have a fantastic weekend.



TOP / 南松本プレスクール / Enjoy the rest of the days being together-Rainbow(March 13-17)