


Meadow students go marching two by two hoorah, hoorah!17~21 April.

Warm greetings to you all! Welcome to Meadow’s April 17th~21st blog. Join in on our adventures by finding out how we spent the 3rd week of school.



On Monday morning we enjoyed a stroll around school. I think it is safe to say that we are now professionals at this thing called walking! It is our rule to always be in pairs whenever we go walking. Without even realizing it, the famous nursery rhyme, “The Ants Go Marching” started playing in my subconscious. Hence this week’s blog title “Meadow class go marching two by two hoorah hoorah.” It is in our nature as toddlers to discover something fascinating anywhere we lay our eyes on. And such was the case when one of our classmates spotted very small snails along our pathway.

月曜日、私たちは学校の周りを散歩することを楽しみました。私たちはもう、歩くということのプロだと言ってもいいのではないでしょうか!歩くときは必ず二人一組になるのが私たちのルールです。気づかないうちに、私の潜在意識の中で、有名な童謡「The Ants Go Marching」が流れ始めていました。だから今週のブログタイトルは “Meadow class go marching two by two hoorah hoorah.”。幼児期の子どもたちは、どこにいても何か魅力的なものを発見します。クラスメイトの一人が、散歩道でとても小さなカタツムリを見つけたときも、そうでした。

On Tuesday we had fun learning about colors through our craft activity. We made very colorful butterflies by decorating their wings with pretty stickers. After our hard work and dedication to creating something wonderful, our butterflies took shape and we went to play with them outside. Everyone pretended that they were flying in the air and this made us all warm and fuzzy inside. We couldn’t help but smile and laugh together as a class.



On Wednesday morning we went to Kamada gymnasium. This was a different venue to the one we went to last week but everyone was in good spirits and excited to see and experience a new environment. Compared to last week’s gym class, most of the students were aware of what they were expected to do. They understood and followed the gym teacher’s instructions well. Us, the Meadow class homeroom teachers are very proud of our students. Is there anything better in life than to learn different things and to have fun at the same time? Surely, there is not! Keeping the famous saying ,”All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy,” in our minds and at heart , our motto as Meadow class is to make sure we try our very best to incorporate lots of fun in any activity we undertake.

水曜日、私たちは鎌田体育館に行きました。先週行った体育館とは違う場所でしたが、みんな元気で、新しい環境を見て、体験することに興奮していました。先週のgym lessonと比べると、ほとんどの子供たちが自分たちが何を求められているのかを認識していました。メドーさんたちは体育の先生の指示をよく理解し、それに従いました。私たちメドークラスの担任は、生徒たちをとても誇りに思っています。人生において、さまざまなことを学び、同時に楽しむこと以上に素晴らしいことがあるでしょうか?きっと、そんなことはないでしょう!「仕事ばかりで遊びのないジャックは退屈な少年になる」という有名な言葉を胸に刻みながら、どんな活動にも楽しさを盛り込むことをモットーにしています。

Ride to the park by bus

On Thursday morning we had an emergency drill training and our teachers taught us how to react and behave in the event of a fire. We were taught about the Japanese acronym 「おはしもて」ー”Ohashimote .” Translating this to an English acronym it would read “OHSMT” which stands for don’t push, don’t run, keep quiet, don’t go back and cover your mouth with your hand to protect yourself from the smoke. After the emergency drill we headed to the park by bus. In the afternoon we enjoyed playing a game called “fish color match,” where the students had to find a missing piece of the fish that matches the color of the fish. It’s amazing how all Meadow students are now familiar with basic colors and know how to name them confidently in English !Ms .Ayako and I, Ms Amanda are very proud of our students.


Music class

To conclude the week, we had music class on Friday. We sang Japanese nursery rhymes and the music teacher taught us how to clap our hands in a rhythmic manner. At first the students seemed a bit shy but as the lesson progressed they started to sing, clap and dance in unison.


All in all, it was a great week for us all. Have a great weekend and please come back well-rested and refreshed on Monday!Until next week, it’s goodbye from us.


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