


Rainforest: Healthy Balanced Meal and Koinoburi! April 24th to 28th

Firstly, a BIG shout out to our April birthday boy! Happy 6th Birthday, I! We had our very first Birthday Party in ISN Shimauchi Campus after a very long hiatus. We has a Zumba dance party. Rainforest were great dancers and showed us the steps to ‘I Like to Move It’. (For the Zumba Kids youtube video, please see link https://youtu.be/ymigWt5TOV8)

4月のお誕生日のみんな、お誕生日おめでとうございます!Iさん、6歳の誕生日おめでとう!島内キャンパスで、初めて合同バースデーパーティーを行いました。レインフォレストは、素晴らしいダンサーで、”I Like to Move It “のステップを披露しました。そして、皆でズンバダンスで盛り上がりました。(ズンバキッズのユーチューブビデオはリンク https://youtu.be/ymigWt5TOV8 をご覧ください。)

This busy week, we brainstormed and planned for a healthy balanced meal – to be prepared and enjoyed at home! Thank you parents and grandparents for joining us in our learning journey! We learned about carbohydrates, protein and vitamins through food groups – Yellow GO for carbohydrates, Red GROW for protein and Green GLOW for vitamins. Books and songs gave us ideas, information and imagination in our healthy quest. We created a Rainforest Restaurant in class too We role played Chef, Waiter, Waitress, Cashier and even a Restaurant Manager!


With the upcoming Children’s Day, we crafted a huge koinobori. Everyone chipped in and together we made Ri Ri our carp! We dipped calligraphy paper in paint and pasted them as scales. Teamwork made the dream work!


We had our very first earthquake drill for the year. We practised going under tables to protect ourselves. We evacuated calmly with no dashing or pushing. We gathered at the parking lot and Ms Shizuka reviewed the safety measures again. Rainforest took the drill seriously, well done!


Till next week, take care and have a fabulous weekend!

良い週末をお過しください!また来週、元気に登園してくださいね 。

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