


1- Minute Jump Rope Challenge! Milky Way Apr.24th-28th

Hello everyone!


Since Milky Way class is very interested in playing jump ropes, we challenged them to do the 1 minute jump rope challenge. Everybody joined the challenge excitedly. After each round, we write their score on the board and check who did the most jumps. But, while doing this challenge, we noticed that some of them were not being honest in telling their scores which we discussed with the class. They learned that in any game or challenge it’s not about always winning, it’s also important to do it honestly and fairly, and most importantly to have fun. If you do the challenge fairly and honestly, you are principled. Then, when they did the next rounds, they finally applied what they learned and told us their real score! They had so much fun and tried to be risk-takers in this challenge. Now everyday they want to do the challenge. Next time, we will connect this exercise to our UOI. Why is it important to exercise?


Our class also completed some puzzles showing healthy and unhealthy people and what they eat. According to them, the person on the right side is healthy because she eats lots of vegetables and fruits. The other person is unhealthy because she eats ice cream, potato fries, hamburger, cake, and cola or junk food. When I asked them, why are they called junk food, someone cracked a joke and said “because the food is jumping” and everybody laughed and said “No it’s junk food, not jump!😄


We learned through a video that eating junk food is not bad as long as we eat more vegetables and if we only eat less. In our Creative Area, we asked them to draw healthy food and junk food on a big paper. We also watched a video showing different kinds of junk food. Then, they realized that some of them and even their family members are eating junk food. At the end, they promise to eat more vegetables and fruits.


In Phonics, we continue learning about magic e. This time we did o-e words such as globe, smoke, slope, note, tote, rode, code, robe, hope. Our class discovered a new vocabulary magic e word which is “mole”. No one knows what mole is until I showed their friend’s face with a mole and everyone started to find their mole in their body. “I have a mole!” We saw small and big moles. We also practiced reading the story “The Note”. We also did some writing practice in uppercase letters on the notebook. We write uppercase letters in three lines: blue, blue, and red lines. We make sure that they follow the right order of writing the letters.

フォニックスでは、引き続きmagic Eワードについて学びました。今回は、globe, smoke, slope, note, tote, rode, code, robe, hopeなどのo-e単語を学びました。そして新しいマジックEワード、「mole」に出会いました。友達にあるホクロを見せると、みんな自分の体の中にあるホクロを探し始めました😊「私にもほくろがある!」と、小さいほくろから大きいほくろまで、みんな見せてくれました。また、”The Note “というストーリーを読む練習をしたり、ノートに大文字で書く練習もしました。青線、青線、赤線の3本の線で大文字を書きます。文字を書く順番や鉛筆の持ち方にも気を付けて書きました。

One of our friends turned 6 years old this month. Happy happy birthday to you! We hope that you had fun at our party.  We are very glad that we can finally conduct our monthly birthday party all together. We enjoyed singing a birthday song all together and watched the funny magic trick did by Ms. Rieko! Thank you for the awesome party!

今月、6歳になったお友達がいます。お誕生日おめでとう🎂!キャンパス全体で4月生まれのお友達をお祝いするパーティーを開きました。 毎月恒例のお誕生日会が、やっとみんなでできるようになり、とても嬉しいです✨みんなでバースデーソングを歌ったり、Ms.Riekoの面白いマジックを見たりして楽しみました!素晴らしいパーティーをありがとうございました!

That’s all for this week! Thank you for reading our blog and have a nice weekend!


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