
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Meadow and Rainbow June 11-15

Sharing smiles, laughter and toys; taking turns and saying our “Please” and “No, thank you” – these are some of the ingredients for making friends and keeping them!
微笑んだり、声をあげて笑ったり、玩具の共有であったり色々な事や物をシェアーしあっています。”Please”  “No, thank you”は友達を作る大切な言葉です!

Meadow and Rainbow have been minding our Ps and Qs. We learn to be caring and polite towards one another when we play and work. 

Meadow と RainbowクラスではP(Please)とQ(Thank you)を言い合いリマインドしあっています。お互いを思いあったり礼儀正しく一生懸命するべきことをするなどを大切にしています。[envira-gallery id=”20988″]
こちらはMusicクラスの様子です。[envira-gallery id=”21066″]
In Meadow, we made spy glasses out of pipe cleaners. “Orange” was the colour for the week and we played the game – “I spy with my little eye…. something ORANGE”. We have been singing the number song “Ten Little Fingers” and it goes like this:
One little Two little Three little fingers
Four little Five little Six little fingers
Seven little Eight little Nine little fingers
Ten little fingers clap clap clap 👏🏼 
(Finger play – counting with our fingers as we sing)
To all Daddies, our little ones have made Father’s Day craft for you. Hope you will like it. Thank you for your unconditional love and hard work.🌿🌼
Meadowクラスでは今週オレンジを中心に学びました。オレンジ色のモールを丸めて輪っかを作り、それを覗いてオレンジ色の何かを探すゲームをしました。また”Ten Little Fingers”という数字のお歌を歌っています。歌詞は上記をご覧ください。[envira-gallery id=”21005″]
Happy Father’s Day! 🌈[envira-gallery id=”20996″]
Have a fantastic weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Meadow / Meadow and Rainbow June 11-15