


Milky Way’s School Open Day! 6/12-16

“At the end of the day, the most overwhelming key to a child’s success is the positive involvement of parents.” –Jane D. Hull

” つまるところ、子どもの成功の最も有力な鍵は、保護者の積極的な関与である。” -ジェーン・D・ハル

First of all, we would like to thank Milky Way’s parents for taking time to attend our school open day on Monday and Tuesday. Thank you very much for your presence. We really appreciate it, especially your children. They were very excited and delighted to see you and had a chance to observe them in the class. I know they did their best, they always do, and we hope you had a great time spending the morning with us.🥰


Mud play allows children to connect and interact with the natural world around them. It helps children develop tactile skills with sensory play. Mud play and other outdoor activities not only get them away from screens, but give children fresh air, exercise, and sunlight. 


Reading has been our habit in our class. Whenever they have a new book, they would always want and volunteer to read even during our IB time. They also start reading the books in our library and show the teacher the magic e or digraph words in the book.


After a few weeks, finally we had a chance to have a tennis lesson. They really enjoyed the activities they did, and one was to catch a ball with a cone after it bounced once.


From a young age, children should learn about road safety. Children often lack the spatial awareness required for crossing a street or being near a road. Kids are also more likely to go unseen by drivers, which increases their chances of risk or injury. Accidents can happen unexpectedly and suddenly, so it is important for teachers and parents to instill safe habits that become second nature to kids. Properly explaining the dangers that cars can pose can help prevent serious mishaps. On Thursday, we had road safety training for ISN students. This is to teach students how to be safe on the road, especially Milky Way students who will be in elementary school next year. They learned the three important things they have to apply such as: Use child seat and wear the seatbelt in the car, hold their parents hand while they are at the parking lot, and always stop, look left and right before crossing the road.


That’s all for this week! Thank you for reading our blog and have a nice weekend!


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