


Different Types of Learners! – Savanna 7/24 – 7/28

Savanna’s class is not just filled with different people from different backgrounds and cultures but also filled with different learners.


In one classroom, although students are of the same age, their predominant learning style varies: Some learn better using flashcards and images, and Some learn through songs and dance, others through writing, reading, or body movements. To cater to the needs of these learners and help them enjoy their learning journey we put up different stations in the classroom that target multiple intelligences. This way is very effective for our students as they get to choose which activity fits their learning style and which activity they enjoy more and boosts their well-being.

同じ年齢のグループの中でも、みんな学習スタイルはさまざまです。 フラッシュカードや画像を使って学ぶのが好きな子もいれば、歌やダンスを通して学んだり、書いたり読んだり、体を動かしたりして学ぶことが好きな子もいます。このような学習スタイルの違いに対応し、みんなが学習を楽しめるように、学習目標を持った様々なステーションを用意して活動をする時間があります(ワークステーション)。こうすることで、子どもたちは自分の学習スタイルに合った活動を選ぶことができ、より楽しんで参加し、幸福感を高めることが出来ます。

This week’s highlight was our trip to Alps Park in Azumino City. The trip was inlined with their inquiries’ transdisciplinary theme: Sharing the Planet. The students were exposed to different living creatures in the park: aquatic animals, birds, and insects. They could observe how they move, make sounds, eat, and live. It was a very informative and fun field trip.


As a bonus, we were treated to a mini-show in an old Japanese house setting by a good lady who read us a story through “kamishibai”; We were all ears and we enjoyed not just the story but also the feeling of being back to the old times when even electricity did not exist yet.


Learning new things is essential but learning while having fun is the best and most effective way to instill in our inquirers, no matter what type of learner may they be, the new knowledge they discover along the way. Let’s encourage our children to continue to explore, learn and be happy!


Have a good weekend! Till the next one!

TOP / 島内プレスクール / Different Types of Learners! – Savanna 7/24 – 7/28