
Shimauchi Preschool


Savanna: A Roller Coaster Ride | 7/31 – 8/4

It has been like a roller coaster ride for Savanna’s class this week, there were many things that we have accomplished in both academic and extracurricular activities!

We started the week by throwing a birthday bash for our dear friends who are celebrating their special day this month. At the party, we danced, sang, chatted, and filled the room with laughter. We wrapped up the party by listening to a story told using a Japanese classic way of telling a story, “Kamishibai”. We all had fun and are excited for the next party already!


まずは、7月生まれのお友達のバースデーパーティーから始まりました。パーティーでは、踊って、歌って、楽しいおしゃべりをして、部屋を笑いで満たしました。パーティーの最後には、Ms Aaykoに、「紙芝居」を読んでもらいました。みんなにお祝いしてもらうとうれしいね!もう次のパーティーが待ち遠しいです!

This week we have finally concluded our Line of Inquiry 1. The quiz bee that was enjoyed by everybody shows that our inquirers are now more knowledgeable about different living creatures and can confidently say something about them. but the inquiry does not finish here, in the next LOI we will inquire about how these creatures grow. We all can’t wait to see the different stages of living creatures around us.


Our love for music comes naturally even when playing the Pianica. The whole class is still working on memorizing which finger is assigned for each note, but since the passion is there, we find it easy and fun. We can’t wait to be able to play one full song and showcase our newly learned skills in our Christmas Show!

音楽が大好きなサバンナさんたち。ミュージックレッスンでも、歌ったり、ピアニカを弾くことを楽しんでいます♫ 親指、人差し指、中指を、1の指,2の指,3の指と呼び、正しい指でドレミを弾く練習を続けています。楽しい曲に合わせて弾くので、上達も早いです。12月のクリスマスショーでは、1曲フルで演奏することになります。楽しみですね!

and just like that, the time has come to bid goodbye to our visiting friend. We had a send-off party for our friend from Dubai who joined our class 2 weeks. We have only spent a very short period of time but it felt like we have been together forever already. We will forever cherish the moments we have shared and the memories we have made together!


We grow, we change and we discover more in this thing called life! Up and down, we take every opportunity and make the most of it!

Have a happy weekend, everyone!

私たちは成長し、変化し、人生の中で多くのことを発見します! ジェットコースターのように、上がったり、下がったり、私たちはあらゆるチャンスをつかみ、それを最大限に生かします!


Some of our activities in our Morning Circle: Jump out words: Hit the insect, Days of the week: Tap a friend, Months of the year: Jump and shout!

朝のサークルタイムでの活動の一部です: ジャンプアウトワード、曜日、月の名前を使って、かるた遊び、カードの上をジャンプするアクテビティなどを行っています。

These are the songs we sing in the morning circle time.


TOP / Shimauchi Preschool / Savanna / Savanna: A Roller Coaster Ride | 7/31 – 8/4