


Rainbow: Watermelon please quench our thirst and fill us up! ( September 4th~8th)

Hello everyone!

Rainbow welcomes you to our blog of the first week of September. This week we dedicated our time to rehearsing our performance for Sports Festival. Until September 21st this will be our main task.


Watermelons a.k.a ‘nature’s sweetest hugs.

Watermelons are 92% water. They are usually at the top of every toddler’s list of favorite fruits. Although autumn is slowly approaching, it is still quite hot and so it is of the utmost importance that we keep ourselves hydrated. What better way to do that than by eating lots of watermelon?!In the quest of trying to encourage our little ones to eat more servings of this fruit, we decided to focus our attention on the watermelon this week.


During afternoon lesson time we made oursleves juicy, mouth-watering watermelons! Everyone had fun pretending to chomp through this delicious fruit!


If I swallow a fruit seed will the fruit grow in my tummy?


This is one of the questions that the average toddler asks adults a lot! Contrary to popular belief, accidentally swallowing seeds from fruits is not harmful. Seeds only grow when planted in soil. They are insoluble fibre so they will naturally pass out of the body as faecal matter.


During story time we enjoyed listening to Greg Pizzoli’s “The watermelon seed”. A crocodile has a panic attack of sorts after it suspects it swallowed a watermelon seed. After burping, the seed flies out through the crocodile’s mouth! Thankfully the seed didn’t stay in the crocodile’s guts for long. The story teaches the students not to panick if they accidentally swallow a fruit seed.

お話の時間に、Greg Pizzoliさんの “The watermelon seed”という本を読みました。ワニが思いがけずスイカの種を飲み込んでしまってパニックになる様子が書かれています。げっぷをすると、ワニのお口から種が飛び出すというお話です。ラッキーなことにワニのお腹に種は留まることはありませんでした!物語が果物の種を飲み込んでもパニックにならないように教えてくれました。

Hey Gym!Long time no see!

September 6th was our first day back at the gym after we temporarily stopped going there at the end of July. Sports Festival is just a few weeks away so until the big day arrives, on Wednesdays we will be focusing on rehearsing our performances. Everyone is excited about it and are doing their very best during practise.


Guess what fruit it is

During Thursday’s afternoon circle time we played a game called “guess what it is.” The teacher showed a small portion of a fruit picture to the students and they had to guess the fruit name. 99% of the responses were correct.Great job Rainbow!

木曜日のサークルタイムで、”guess what it is.”(これはなーんだ!)というゲームをしました。先生が果物の一部を見せ、子ども達はそれが何の果物かを当てるクイズです。99%の確率で正解でした!

Farewell to you dear K 

We are sad to announce that one member of Rainbow will be leaving ISN soon. This week was his last one with us. His family is moving to a different prefecture. Although we are sad to say goodbye to him we are grateful for the fun memories we made together. Bye bye K!!We will miss you a lot.

レインボークラスのお友達がおひこっしをすることになりました。今週は最終週です。さよならを言うのはとってもさみしいですが、楽しかった思い出はたくさん!さよなら、K君、Miss you!

It will be autumn soon so for the next few weeks there might be drastic differences in the day time and night time temperatures so please take care not to fall ill.


Have a superb weekend! See you again next week!


TOP / 南松本プレスクール / Rainbow: Watermelon please quench our thirst and fill us up! ( September 4th~8th)