
Minami Matsumoto Preschool


Aurora June 18-22

We’ve had a fun week! Monday we had our writing practice and music class. The students are getting better and better every week and enjoying their time. We also started our end of unit assessments. I’m very happy with how things are going.
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Tuesday we has our swimming class. Getting in the water is always fun and our students enjoy it. We split into two groups as usual and then switched the groups.
Wednesday was a fun but rainy day. We went to the gym and continued to practice racing. This time it was groups of four. We call them up by name to line up at the start line and then practice what to do for a race. They have so much fun and get so excited to race with their friends. Since it was a rainy day, after gym we stayed inside and colored some sea animal coloring pages. They were so excited to tell us what animals they were coloring. The page also had some new animals on their that we haven’t covered yet.
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Thursday was a very special day for the students. We had someone from JA come and help teach us how to plant sweet potatoes. Each student got a place in the garden to dig a hole and plant the sweet potato. Afterwards they all got to water their plant. It was so exciting and we can’t wait to see how they turn out! After gardening we did our body measurements and finished our unit assessments.
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Friday we had a firedrill. The students did a great job listening to the teachers and walking in a nice quiet line during the evacuation. We talked about the firedrill before so all the students understood what was happening and why. After the firedrill we continued with the morning routine before going to the park.
金曜日は火事の避難訓練がありました。みんな先生達の指示をよく聞いて、静かに列になって避難することができました!訓練の前に避難の際に気をつけることをお話しておいたので、避難の時も落ち着いて行動することができました。訓練の後はMorning Circle Timeの続きをおこない、公園に出発しました。
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We hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

TOP / Minami Matsumoto Preschool / Aurora / Aurora June 18-22