


Japanese Foods! Milky Way 10/16-20

Hello everyone!

What do you know about Japanese culture? This week, we started LOI1: Japanese Culture by answering a rubric. Can you name some Japanese culture? Milky Way students were able to tell the teacher what they knew about Japanese culture, for example how Japanese eat, what food they eat, or what clothes they wear. 


Which foods originated in Japan and which are from other countries? We did a food sorting activity and we found out that some popular foods in Japan like ramen and gyoza actually originated from China. Next week, we will try to make origami Japanese foods such as rice balls and sushi.


In Phonics, we continued to practice reading /ee/ digraph words by playing “I have… Who has…” game. They are getting used to reading digraph words now and getting better at reading. On Wednesday, we started reading the Levelled B RAZ book. They were able to answer comprehension questions very well and had fun sharing their experiences about what they like to do after school orally and by drawing pictures.

フォニックスレッスンでは、”I have… Who has… “のゲームを通して、/ee/の二重音字の単語を読む練習を続けました。みんな読むことに慣れてきて、とても上手に読めるようになってきました✨水曜日には、RAZ bookのレベルBの本を読み始めました。内容もしっかり理解できており、本の最後に今度は自分がスクールの後にする好きなことを絵に描いたり、友達や先生に話したりして、楽しく共有することができました😊

We had a stranger drill at school under observation and guidance of Matsumoto police officers. Milky Way was able to talk to them and asked questions about the drill. They were able to tell them what they should do in case a real stranger came to school. Some students and teachers were also interviewed about what happened and it was broadcast on TV.

また今週は、松本警察署員の指導のもと、不審者避難訓練を行いました。ミルキーさんのクラスには、警察官の方が来て「いかのおすし」の大切なお話をしてくださり、質問することもできました。万が一、本当に見知らぬ人が学校に来たらどうすればいいのか、しっかり教えてもらいました。訓練やインタビューの様子がテレビでも放送されましたね。訓練の後は、「あぶないときは いやです、だめです、いきません」の本をみんなで読み、大事なことを一緒に再確認しました。

Milky Way class started counting the days left before the Halloween party and to excite them more and feel the Halloween, they created another craft which is a monster by trying for the first time the decalcomania art. Decalcomania is a kind of painting created by pressing a thin layer of wet paint between two surfaces. It can be done by folding papers in half or by picking up wet paint from a smooth surface (such as glass ) with paper or canvas. It was a very fun activity which allowed students to imagine and draw out their ideas and be surprised and amazed at the result of their work.


On Friday, we got a chance to go to the park with our younger friends “Aurora”! They partnered with Aurora students while walking to the park. They made sure to take care of their friends along the way as big brothers and sisters. We walked together and played at the park happily! Mixed-age play also benefits the older kids. Playing with younger children gives them the chance to act as leaders, to play teacher, and to develop creativity, empathy, and kindness—soft skills that kids need as they make and maintain friendships, work and collaborate with others, and solve complicated problems.


Thank you for reading our blog and have a wonderful weekend!


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